Hello and welcome to SaganMorrow.com!
I’m Sagan, a small business strategist and blogger. This blog shares actionable tips for how to build your successful, profitable home-based business.
I specialize in empowering new + struggling solopreneurs to learn how to start + grow their own successful, profitable home-based businesses by focusing on practical tips + actionable steps, as well as by creating customized systems + strategies.
…in other words, if you’re struggling with your small business, I can help you
I teach solopreneurs how to successfully build their home-based businesses in 7 key ways:
- Blogging here at SaganMorrow.com
- My free community, the Begin Your Biz Challenge (how to grow your business in just 15 minutes/day!)
- My book, The Business of Writing & Editing: Practical Tips & Templates for New Freelancers
- The Goodbye 9 to 5 masterclass
- Set Yourself Up For Freelancing Success 7-week e-course
- Biz Bestie one-one-one coaching program
- Free resources, including…
– Freelancing 101 mini course
– Freelance services webpage worksheet
– Do you need a business coach? cheat sheet
– Home office checklist
– Checklist to work from home full-time
– Cheat sheet on 5 things to do before you quit your day job
– Begin Your Biz Challenge
– Goal planning for solopreneurs workbook
– Email list tips for freelancers cheat sheet
– Discover your perfect, profitable biz idea workbook
– Home-based business checklist
My blogging journey…
I began blogging about healthy living at Living Healthy in the Real World in February 2008. Over the years, my interests expanded, and I added two more blogs to the Living in the Real World brand: a communications blog at Living Rhetorically in the Real World, and a style and beauty blog at Living Fashionably in the Real World.
The Living in the Real World brand was, at its core, about how we can apply ideas and habits in ways that fit each of our individual lifestyles.
Seven years after my first foray into the blogging world, I rebranded Living in the Real World to a lifestyle blog at SaganMorrow.com. I blogged about writing and small business, food and fitness, style and beauty, and health and wellness.
Then, in August 2016, I rebranded once again to make SaganMorrow.com what it is today: a small business blog specifically for other solopreneurs who want to attain work-life balance and build the home-based businesses of their dreams.
About this blog…
SaganMorrow.com is a business blog featuring actionable tips for starting and building your own successful, profitable home-based business.
Here at SaganMorrow.com, you’ll find all of the original articles from my Living in the Real World blogs, as well as new ones published about once each week.
Do YOU want to be a freelancer? Click here to join my FREE 7-day e-course for new freelancers!
A little background about me…
I’m a 28-year-old home-based small business owner. I work as a small business strategist and blogger, teaching solopreneurs how to succeed in business through actionable strategies.
In 2010 I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Rhetoric, Writing, and Communication (basically I spent several years analyzing ads and learning about communication theory and it was amazing—I essentially have a degree in critical thinking), and in 2012 I received my diploma as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist (just because!).
I spent eight years as a freelance writer, editor, and social media manager (including a couple years in public relations and several years in fundraising/project management at a local charity) before I began to teach other solopreneurs how to succeed in business.
Currently, I live in downtown Winnipeg, Canada in an open-concept condo with my common-law husband, Mr. Science. He’s a little camera shy and likes his privacy, so I don’t share TOO many details about him here on the blog
Some of my favorite things include dancing (I love the waltz!), reading all kinds of books, exploring big cities, and enjoying robust dry red wines and freshly-brewed Americanos. I adore expensive lipstick and comfortable high heels, Parks & Recreation, pretty much anything by Joss Whedon, and I am childless by choice and an intersectional feminist.
You can find me hanging out online at my favorite social media spots, or you can connect with me directly by emailing me at hello@saganmorrow.com. I’d love to chat!
Let’s be friends:
- YouTube
- Newsletter (sign up to get weekly updates with links to my latest articles, exclusive freebies, and a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to be a home-based small business owner!)