Food & Fitness

Apartment Photos and Some Super Links!

Today was my first day back at boot camp! It is wonderful to be back with it again. I have the same instructor but everyone in the class is different. And it’s starting at 6am instead of 6:30 now, so it is pitch black out at the beginning of our session. It makes it all the more challenging and fun to dodge any lumps and bumps on the grassy field as we run and lunge and squat and shoulder press our way to fitness.

My sister and I finally succeeded in organizing our apartment into a livable space, so here’s some photos of our beautiful place:

My bedroom (in desperate need for pictures to be hung up):

Front hallway:


Kitchen (and lack of proper counter space):

Hallway leading to Devin’s room and the dining room:

Living Room:

Dining Room:

And the closed-in porch area:

As you can see, I was extremely camera-happy. And now onwards to the good stuff!

Challenge challenge challenge

Because we all love a good challenge, right? Here’s a good one from the MizFit! 100 reps of any bodyweight exercise of your choice every day. Or on a random day when you’re feeling exercise-restless. This idea is wonderful. 100 is such a nice round number, don’t you think?

Grocery Shopping

SmarterFitter Blog is here to help with a template for healthy picks at the grocery store! Check out their site whilst your grocery list template is downloading.

Body Image: Things to ponder

This is a fantastic post from Breaking the Mirror asking a question which none of us really know the answer to anymore (this is a great indication of how messed up our society is!): what is normal?

In this same post from Breaking the Mirror, there’s a link to this article, entitled ‘Gossip’ Guy Badgley Thinks Thin ‘90210’ Gals Should ‘Eat a Double Cheeseburger’. Please, tell me that I am not the only one who sees something horribly backwards about this title. Okay, so some celebrities are on the thin side and really should probably gain weight to be healthier. But why is it that whenever someone starts looking thin, everyone around them begins suggesting they do things like eat double cheeseburgers? How is that going to help them? Clearly there are other issues involved here! The person is very likely underweight because of societal pressures, which in turn would indicate unhealthy body image, low self esteem, and some kind of disordered eating. For anyone who suffers from any of those problems, “eating a cheeseburger” is not the answer. It is infuriating that underweight people are encouraged to eat junk food. Sure, they’ll gain weight, but they will still be unhealthy. It doesn’t solve the problem; in fact, it likely makes things even worse. Your thoughts?


  1. carla

    (Thanks for the linkage to my fave ‘century’ challenge)

    I love the screened in porch!

    For some reason I’ve always wanted one as I envision myself hunkered down in there for days on end just READING.


  2. Missicat

    You mean I am not the only one with an exercise ball in my bedroom???
    I agree on the cheeseburger thing – the issue is sooo much bigger then that.
    Must go now and click the “normal” link…

  3. Dr. J

    Hi Sagan!

    I’m working on a post titled, “Never take the cure, for someone else’s disease!” I hope to address some of your thoughts in that. It’s a subject that I’ve thought about for a while.

    Counter space is like a good person, can’t have enough 🙂

  4. tokaiangel

    The “eat a cheeseburger” comment is a frightening reflection of society’s flippant attitude towards eating disorders as a whole. A majority of people really believe that the answer is as simple as eating (cure) or not eating (disease), because they assume that food is the root of the problem in the first place. Think about things for more than a nanosecond? Nah, not in this century.

    Loved your comment on Weighting Game about thin-bashing/ED-bashing too. It makes me furious. Definitely working up to a post on this!!

    TA x

  5. Sagan Morrow

    Veggiegirl- thanks!

    Charlotte- yes, the lack of counter is frustrating… today I made pancakes on the griddle set up on the floor:)

    MizFit- its probably a good thing its getting colder… otherwise I’m sure I’d spend WAY too much time sitting out there enjoying myself and not being productive!

    Missicat- and a yoga mat! The ankle weights, pilates band, hula hoop, and jump rope are all tucked in the closet, though:)

    Bag Lady- I can’t get enough of this apartment. Its fantastic.

    Dr. J- that would be great! Such an interesting subject.

    TA- am glad that you’ve been thinking about these things too! You’re absolutely right; our attitude towards eating disorders as a society are really awful.

    Mark- HEART the boot camp:) Hopefully there’s starting to be more awareness these days that thin does NOT equal healthy…

  6. Lance

    100 is such a nice round number!!! Doing squats – I think I’d say — 100 is such a big number… but I’m gonna try it anyway. Hey, I like a challenge, and this sounds challenging!

    The apartment looks very nice – it looks like a “home”, very comfortable…

  7. Sagan Morrow

    Workout Mommy- I can’t imagine how you must get up every day for your kids!

    Kelly- exactly! I sure don’t want a heart attack. And I’m enjoying the color too:)

    Cammy- thanks; it’s pretty.

    Lance- I don’t like living in just a space, I definitely feel the need for a real HOME. Good luck with the squats!

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