Posts by: Sagan Morrow

Healthified lasagna and a dinner party menu

Earlier in September, Mr. Science and I hosted a dinner party (because dinner parties are awesome!) and we made a delicious healthified lasagna, proving that even the tastiest and most indulgent of comfort foods can be pumped full of nutrition and still taste fantastic. To healthify lasagna, all you need…

Recipe for beet tartare

The mother dear gave me two enormous beets about a week ago, that a client had given to her from her own garden. I didn't know that beets could get so large! Since it was her birthday on Saturday (one week after mine---happy birthday mother dear!), I decided to make…

Planning meals

When you're living alone, it's very easy to let meal-planning fall by the wayside. It's easy to just have a bowl of cereal or a sandwich for dinner, or to pick up something ready-made from a deli or cafe. But when we do that, we're often compromising our health and…

Mandatory nutrition labels on restaurant menus: yay or nay?

How many times have you gone into a restaurant and ordered a meal that sounds reasonably healthy, only to check the nutrition information online afterwards and discovered that you consumed over 1,500 calories within the space of a couple hours? One problem with deciphering restaurant menus is that there are…

Temperature regulation during exercise

Now that we're getting into the colder months, I've noticed a definite difference in my body temperature after exercise. It takes 10 or 15 minutes to walk to the gym, so I wear yoga pants and a zip-up sweater over top of my shorts and shirt to keep myself warm…

Creating space in a loft-style condo

I have wonderful news. The boyfriend, Mr. Science, is moving in with me! Hurray! We're very excited. We've been talking about it for months - it's gone something like this: January Me: Your apartment lease is coming up in the spring - want to move in with me? Him: Umm...…

Why I prefer step class to running

I have an on-off relationship with running (it's off at the moment), but this week I started taking step class again. I've always loved step class, but I hadn't done it in years since I cancelled my YMCA membership (I started it again last month. Hurray!). For the past few…

Vote Food

Tonight I am going to see Manitoba's premiere election candidates discuss food policy. Food is a very important issue and I think it's wonderful that Food Matters MB has taken the effort to create this event. I'm hoping that the candidates will answer questions related to supporting small, local farmers,…

How to save time in the morning

I'm generally a morning person, but even just the other day I noticed that it was a bit more difficult to wake up for work in the morning. Whether that was related to the shorter amount of daylight or simply that I wasn't quite ready for my long weekend to…