Posts by: Sagan Morrow

Exploring Phnom Penh

I am "home" in Cambodia! The flight was ridiculously long. I arrived in Phnom Penh at about 10pm on Monday night. On Tuesday my dad took me out on a tuk tuk and showed me the Independence Monument, the Silver Pagoda, and the Russian Market. Tuk tuk The Independence Monument…

Poll: Adventures with Exotic Food

Last month's poll The question that 58 of us answered was: what is your biggest issue when it comes to eating? This was a toughie because you could only pick one answer; we were identifying our major vice. However, I think that many of us would say that we fall…

Giveaway Winners, My Travels, and a Numbers Conundrum

Giveaway Winners Congratulations to the winners of the Sinupret for Kids medication and The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood book: MizFit bhealthier Charlotte Sharon Mary Healthy Ashley Marta Kim V Shannon Katy Stuffgirlswant Fitness Surfer Sharon Fairclough Blake Mishia E-mail me your mailing address at and I will ensure…

What’s Happening on the Web (some healthy links)

Lately I have received quite a few emails from people letting me know about websites/articles that they think I would be interested in. With the craziness of studying for my final exam and getting ready for Cambodia (I leave on Sunday!), I figure that this is the perfect time to…

The Slow Food Movement

Defined as the opposite of fast food (because everything is binaries and opposition!), slow food is a lifestyle of eating real, wholesome, natural foods, with an emphasis on getting involved in the preparation and production of the food so that when we eat, it is a shared communal experience and…

Life Lessons: On Being (Too) Nice

It's one of the most well-known stereotypes of Canadians: we're polite. We apologize. We're doormats. What can I say? There is, to some extent, a ring of truth to the stereotype. At aikido last night, sensei was telling me about the issues that the older students had when they first…

Book Review: Healing through Exercise by Jorg Blech

We don't move enough. And moving, even just a small amount each day, can drastically improve and enhance our lives. This is the basic premise of science writer Jorg Blech's book, Healing through Exercise: Scientifically-proven ways to prevent and overcome illness and lengthen your life", which I recently received from…

A Balanced Variety

Like Erin at Fit Bottomed Girls, I have a frustrating problem with ear buds: without fail, they always fall out of my ears. Maybe I have abnormally shaped ears, but for some reason, those little guys just never want to stay put. It's for this reason that I generally don't…