Posts by: Sagan Morrow

Life Lessons: Building Furniture

Ever since I moved into my own place last September, I have been living out of baskets. All of my clothes have just been piled in a heap in a couple baskets on my floor (originally these baskets were propped up on a chair, but then we decided we needed…

Poll: What form of exercise do you prefer?

Our last poll In December we discussed the reasons for why we eat nutritiously and stay active. No shocker with the results there: 68% of us do it for the combined benefit of being healthy and feeling/looking great! 20% like to treat their bodies well primarily for aesthetic reasons with…

Super Bowl Feasts

There's a lot of hoopla (that's a technical term these days) going around about the Super Bowl right now. I admit it, I'm not much of a spectator when it comes to sports- never ask me if I know any names of players or even names of teams, because I…

Eat Your Veggies!

Eating lots of vegetables isn't a big problem for me in the summer months. There's so much variety that munching on them raw or having gloriously huge salads is a delight. But come winter? Forget about the veggies, I'm all about the grains. Between oatmeal, popcorn, and grilled sandwiches, I…

Book Review: “The World Is Fat” by Barry Popkin

I was excited to recently receive a package of books from Penguin Group to review, among them Barry Popkin's The World Is Fat: The fads, trends, policies, and products that are fattening the human race. The subject of the book is one which I personally find incredibly intriguing, as it…

Ba(rac)king an Obama Cake!

I wish I could take the credit for coining that term, but "Ba(rac)king" is all Bag Lady! Cammy was lamenting that I had no cake recipe when I was guest chef. So I figured that the inauguration was the perfect time to try out one of the recipes from my…

Managing Time

I'm currently taking an evening class on Monday's called Issues in Health. While it's an interesting class, after working all morning and then being in class all afternoon, it's exhausting to have that three hour class at the end of the day! It's also difficult to plan and fit everything…

Life Lessons: Skating and Sugar

Skater's High It really warmed up considerably this past weekend, which led to me participating in one of my favorite winter activities: ice skating! Here in Winnipeg we've become "famous" for our exceptionally long skating trail on the river, and I'm fortunate enough to live right on the river. There's…

Food Trends

Because we can't just live and eat these days- nope, everything has to be trendy. It's cropping up everywhere now. The "new fad diet" is to not diet! It's to eat local and real and whole foods. While I'm super happy that this is coming to the foreground and there's…