Posts by: Sagan Morrow

Life Lessons: Winning by Losing

I've been tagged again- thanks CP! This time we've got a music meme:Music to cry to: Viva la Vida by Coldplay. No joke, every time I hear this song it brings tears to my eyes. One day I was driving home from boot camp and this song came on the…


I know I've already written quite a bit about cookie dough, but I have one last thing to say about it, and then I'll be done!The cookie dough is gone. The batch that was made on Saturday and put in the fridge to "nibble" on- gone! I'd like to be…

How to eat a pile of cookie dough

I think I ate my own body weight in cookie dough this weekend. Oof. Thank goodness for pajama pants.Yesterday I filed a police report about my wallet, and I don't expect it will turn up but at least I feel like I've done everything I could do for it. The…

Analyzing Stress and Control Issues

I am a naturally very lucky person. For the most part, the stars seem to shine on me with the things that get handed to me on a silver platter and with the opportunities that I am presented with- with some things I'll work very hard to get to where…

The Tag Game: Share!

I have been tagged by Stevia 'n Spice! I'm pretty sure everyone in blogland has seen this before but the idea is to share 7 random/weird facts about yourself:1. I LOVE pearls and cameo jewelry2. One year on St. Patrick's Day, the pub that I was at ran out of…

Why do we diet?

After coming across this post from Diet Blog, I started thinking about all of the studies and real-life experiences which show that diets* really just do not work in general. I am puzzled. If diets don't work, then why does everyone diet? I was speaking to a woman not too…

Roasting a Pumpkin

This weekend I thought about working on my research projects that are all due in another couple weeks. I really did think about it. And then I decided after doing a bit of reading and writing some paragraphs that I would be far more productive in cooking rather than paper-writing.…

Beer ads

I love beer ads and beer commercials. They're usually clever, funny, and silly. They have excellent marketing strategies in that people really do enjoy them! But I think what I like most about them is the wealth of information they hold; what they say about our gender roles and social…

Life Lessons: Overdoing it

All last week I had horrible stomach cramps. Doing jumping jacks was even uncomfortable. My tummy was not pleased with me so I set out to determine what the culprit was. My first guess was dairy- it seems that just about everyone is susceptible to minor dairy intolerance and I…

Cookbook Review: “Diabetes & Heart Healthy Meals for Two”

The American Diabetes Association recently came out with this cookbook, filled with recipes all designed to make just two portions. Excellent for us students living on our own! The recipes are categorized into Appetizers, Snacks, and Beverages; Soups; Salads; Seafood; Poultry; Meats; Vegetarian Entrees; Vegetables and Side Dishes; Breads and…