Calzones and Potential Blogger Meet-ups
Giveaway Winner
And the winner of Musselman’s Healthy Picks Applesauce is… Julie! Send me your contact information and I’ll make sure your applesauce is on it’s way.
I make (more) bread
I had so much fun with making bread last week that I decided to make more this week. This time, I made a double batch so that I can freeze a bunch of it. The idea here is to stock up for when I go vegan in September. From the research I’ve been doing it’s really amazing just how much of what we eat has some kind of animal product in it, so I figure the safest way to ensure that I’m eating vegan is to just make as much as possible from scratch (and anyway, that just makes it more challenging and more fun!).
This time I used half whole wheat flour and half white flour. It turned out fantastic. The loaves seemed to actually rise better this time, which I believe is because I let the dough rest in the pans on the stove while the oven was preheating (the warmth from the oven below, I’m assuming, played a part in this). I sliced the loaves and then tossed them in the freezer- each loaf makes nine or ten thick slices for less than 70 calories per slice. Bargain.
Because I made a double batch, it was enough dough for four loaves. Instead, I made two loaves, and then with the remaining half of the dough I made a bunch of calzones! Ever since I was in Italy last year and watched someone at a restaurant make a calzone for me right there, I’ve had a special place in my heart for calzones.
A calzone is pizza folded over. It’s like a pizza pop (or a pizza sandwich). When I made my own calzones, I divided the dough into seven portions so that it made six individual calzones and one big one. I rolled out the dough as thin as I could manage with a rolling pin and made a pizza sauce by combining tomato paste with vinegar, water, oregano, and basil. Then I smeared half the rolled dough with the sauce and sauteed garlic, red and green bell pepper, crimini mushrooms, tomatoes, and asparagus in some olive oil spray. Add the veggies onto the sauce, fold the other half of the dough over and press down the edges with a fork, and transfer to a baking sheet before popping in the oven. Voila!
The sister-roommate and I each ate one (and she loved it- I always know that I’ve created something really tasty when she enjoys the food I make because she’s honest about whether or not it’s good), but the rest are going in the freezer. These calzones are vegan so they will be perfect for reheating, pizza pop style, during September when I go vegan for the month.
I want to play around with the recipe a little bit more, and then I will post it for you all to enjoy. Each individual calzone is a very decent size and I estimate it to be about 200 calories a piece.
Next Tuesday I’m going on yet another adventure! This time I’m heading to San Antonio, Texas for about a week. The reason for this is that my mum has a veterinary acupuncturist conference, so I’m joining her for the fun of it (I mean, I’m there as her receptionist. Yes). I won’t be blogging after Monday but I’ve already got a couple great guest posts lined up for Wednesday and Friday, including tips for dealing with overeating and some fun twists on cliche sayings.
I’m incredibly excited to be going to the United States for my first time ever (airports don’t count). One of the first things I’ll be tracking down is a Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s grocery store because I’ve never been to either of those. If you have any recommendations of your favourite products from those stores, let me know!
It also looks as though my sister and I will be driving up to Austin for a day to explore the city, so if you are in San Antonio or Austin, let me know! I would really love to meet some of you bloggers if you’re in the area.
The trip is so exciting!
If ever I get the chance to go to the States, WF and TJ are in the top of my must go to places. Haha!
I just made bread for the first time last night. Making and freezing calzone is a great idea. I might steal that idea if you don’t mind. Maybe you can use spiced beans as your calzone filler next time to conquer one of your food dislike?
Mmm…that sounds so tasty. I’m impressed too, I’ve never made bread without a bread maker, but I’ve been inspired to try. Desperation for some real baguette has won out over laziness! Have a great weekend.
I think I have a busybusy week or Id trek to san antonio and meet you
you know, uninvited and all…
How fun! Be sure to look up Trader Joe’s online first, because it’s located sporadically around the nation. Another great place to check out is the Fresh Market.
The calzones sound great!
My dad makes bread all the time, and I love watching him do it. It seems fun, but slightly intimidating. It’s cool that you’re into it! And calzones = yum! I hope you enjoy your time in the US too! Crazy country hahaha, Texas is funny…this coming from the mouth of a Northerner though.
Have a great trip!
How exciting that you made more bread! I still haven’t gotten around to making some… The calzones sound awesome! I have to remember them when I finally make some bread…
Have a great trip!
I love homemade bread, and have made pizza dough before (although it made the pizza way more filling than we’d thought). I got burned on the last 2 kitchen experiments I did (never make a smoothie with chai tea, or microwave designer whey protein powder unless you’re testing your gag reflex), but I might make bread or something soon.
Mia- good call on the beans! That’s a fantastic idea.
Spring Girl- it’s easy. Honest. You just have to make sure that you’ll be at home for a couple hours, that’s all
MizFit- I’ll be in Austin for a day, so I might have to track you down
Gina- never heard of Fresh Market but am intrigued; I’ll look into it.
Lia & Hanlie- I can’t WAIT.
Andrea- they’re very delicious.
Tricia- burned literally or figuratively? If you burned yourself literally while making a smoothie then I think we should never (or perhaps ALWAYS? :D) be in the kitchen at the same time.
ooo sounds yummy, I love calzones! Have fun in Texas!
I’ve always wanted to go there! How fun for you, I hope you have a great treip.
I thought of you tonight while I was making pizza crust! Have a great weekend.
Texas is a bit far from here, I’m afraid. If you were driving (or flying your own plane!) I’d ask you to swing east a bit.
Now that I have an oven with a light in it, I put the bread to rise in it with the light on, until I’m ready to preheat the oven. Especially useful in winter.
I hope you have a wonderful trip! I loved San Antonio and Austin. I hadn’t anticipated enjoying the missions in the area so much, but there’s something peaceful and inspiring about them.
Good luck with the vegan experiment! I found the same thing when I went vegan – that unless you live in a large city in Cali or NY then you pretty much have to make all your own food from scratch. Esp. if you’re going to be really strict about it (no honey, no sugar processed with bone char, etc.)
TJ: GET THEIR GREEK yogurt! And their almond butter is awesomely cheap. And I love their peanutbutter filled pretzels. At Whole Foods, get any of their bakery items. Their corn muffin ROCKS. They have vegan muffins, too, and they taste awesome!
Oh, and why oh why are you going to Texas? COME TO LA!!!! Then I’ll be thrilled to meet up with ya!
Hey Sagan!
Sorry to be so late getting back to you! I actually don’t know if my ability to sleep well is due to veganism or not… I wasn’t the best sleeper as a kid, and it did get better when I became a vegan, but I don’t know if that was due to veganism or just growing up. I’ve been a vegan since age 14, so it’d be impossible to tell, but it’d be interesting to know if veganism changes one’s sleep patterns at all!
P.S. You’re so lucky to be going to Austin! I live near Dallas, but I like Austin much better
I’ve never made my own bread but I used to love it when my mom would bake it at home. The smells of warm bread baking would fill up the house with yummy goodness!
Enjoy your trip to Texas!
Food n Fitness & Crystal- thanks, I will!
Diane- aww! Someday maybe we will make pizza together
Mary Anne- that’s a good idea. And now I’m thinking that visiting you would be such a challenge that I’m kind of tempted to… hehe.
Cammy- it’s definitely going to be an experience, that’s for sure.
Charlotte- that’s my plan! Thank goodness for things like agave to take the place of honey. Searching for vegan sugar could be tricky. Same with vegan toothpaste.
Burpexcuzme- wonder if I could manage to swing by LA?
Maybe next time! Cheap AB + PB filled pretzels sound heavenly.
Chocolate-covered Katie- thanks for letting me know! I’ll be interested to see if my sleeping changes at all with the nutrition change.
Enjoy Texas! Hope you meet some cool bloggers!
I love making bread! Especially eating it right when it gets done and it’s nice and warm.
Have a great time in San Antonio!
aw, close but no cigar. if you travel to Fort Worth, let me know!
I hope you have so much fun in Texas! I have never been but always have wanted to go.