Food & Fitness

Day 16 of the 100 Reps Challenge

Only 2 weeks left before our challenge is complete! So exciting:-)

25 fire hydrants: knees and hands shoulder width apart, raise and lower one leg for all 25 reps before switching and doing the second leg for the same number of reps. You will feel this especially in your butt and thighs. Keep your back flat and move with control.
25 tuck crunches: adding a pelvic tilt works more muscles in the abdomen. Crunch upwards using your abs to pull you through the motion, and then return to the starting position with slow deliberation. Use your abs to move you throughout this entire exercise and make sure that you aren’t just rocking back and forth with the momentum; that will undermine your workout!

Do this set 4 times for a total of 100 fire hydrants and 100 tuck crunches!

Fitness Tip: Make the fire hydrant that much more challenging by adding a kick when your leg is in the air- push out through your heel as you kick back.


  1. Dee

    Sagan, your enthusiasm never ceases to amaze (and impress) me! I like the sound of the fire hydrant. I’m going to have to read this very slowly and picture it in my head so I can try this tomorrow. But 100… *hysterical laughter* 😉

    Thank you for all your support. And if I don’t stop by in time, have a fab xmas!

  2. Sagan Morrow

    Missicat- I’m a slave driver, come on now, you know that;) Mmm abs soreness.

    Dr. J- I love them. And feel so silly doing them hehe.

    R- am just hoping I don’t run out of exercises over these last couple weeks!

    Dee- it’s the cold preventing me from leaving the house… am going stircrazy and exercise is giving me some solace! You have a happy Christmas too!

    Sharon- hehe:) It’s a fun one.

  3. Cammy

    Oh my word. I haven’t done fire hydrants since I first started working out! (I don’t remember how many I did, but I’m pretty sure it was nowhere close to 25. LOL) I’ll give these a whirl tonight.

  4. Sagan Morrow

    Mark- aw thanks:)

    Cammy- I get so excited when an exercise resurfaces that I forgot all about. Feels so good to do it again!

    Fitness Surfer- can DEFINITELY feel a good burn from these.

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