Food & Fitness

Day 18 of the 100 Reps Challenge

20 overhead triceps extensions (if you don’t have a stability ball, you can also do these either sitting down in a chair or standing)
20 split lunges (do 20 for each side; again, if you don’t have a stability ball, just use a chair or low bench)

Do this set 5 times for a total of 100 tricep extensions and 100 split lunges!

Fitness Tip: Keep your back straight to prevent it from arching as you do the overhead extensions. If you’re using the ball, move slowly for the split lunges so you don’t overbalance!


  1. Sagan Morrow

    Dr. J- I haven’t done much of it either, but I’ve had one sitting around forever and figure I should really put it to some good use! Although HOLY CRAP its hard. I’m only half way through today’s challenge and I’ve already fallen over a bunch of times trying to do those lunges on the stability ball hehe.

  2. Fitness Surfer

    I’ve just statted using the ball to make my exercises more intense and help workout those stability muscles. It makes the world of difference. It also makes you slow down and focus on form. Thanks for the great tips.

  3. Sagan Morrow

    Fitness Surfer- it’s great how much the ball can help improve form! Love it. I need to invest in a BOSU too. But I think I’d have even more trouble balancing on that thing…

    Jack- thanks:) You too!

    Strongandhealthy- challenges are always a fun and rewarding time:)

    MizFit- aww! Hope the Tornado is feeling better.

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