Food & Fitness

Day 21 of the 100 Reps Challenge

With my body shape I have an almost non-existent waist, so I love doing side crunches and side planks. They always make me feel as though they’re defining my waist, and looking in the mirror I can usually see a difference from when I don’t do them regularly. Besides eating right (that’s code for healthywholenaturalreal food!), I’ve found that walking a lot and doing plenty of side crunches are the most effective way to tone, shape, and define the body. It’s a simple formula and it’s especially handy in the holiday season!

20 squat jumps
20 side crunches (20 for each side): lying on your right side, place your hands behind your head and keep your right leg bent, lying flat on the floor. Crunch at the waist, lifting your shoulder as well as your left leg off the ground. Do 20 on that side, then switch to do 20 on the other side.

Complete this set 5 times for a total of 100 squat jumps and 100 side crunches!

Fitness Tip: For the squat jumps, squat down as low as you can and then jump up by pressing through your heels. Jump as high as you can, and land back down with your feet flat on the ground in the same squat position, knees never going over your toes, back straight and abs contracted. Jump up again as soon as you are balanced and steady.


  1. the Bag Lady

    I hear you on the non-existent waist! I’ve never had much of a waist – doesn’t matter how slender I am. Sigh.
    Must try those side crunches, as soon as my physiotherapist tells me it’s okay!

  2. Sagan Morrow

    Bag Lady- it’s saddening not to have a waist. But at least side crunches can help a little:) Is the physiotherapy still going good for you?

    Veggiegirl- thanks:) Almost done!

    Kelly- completely agree. Exercising can give you more definition; losing weight can just mean that you’re losing your curves and such (if you’ve got curves). Working out IS so much fun!

    Lance- definitely why I chose them for today. Am doing my best to keep warm. Brr.

  3. Crystal

    I like doing side crunches too. I usually add them in with my regular crunches-something we used to do back in dance classes. Hmm…if only my abs would look as good as they did back then…

  4. Sagan Morrow

    Juliet- that’s why we’ve got to start jumping around lots like little kids:)

    Loveofoats- ME TOO. Warm fuzzy happy feeling inside!

    MizFit- I need some workout buddies. We need an exercise pack convention (somewhere warm. Not in Canada).

    Crystal- dancing would be so much fun! I just need to learn coordination and then I’m there:)

  5. Lance

    Hi Sagan,

    Trying to leave you a comment here – I, for one, like the look here! Very nice!! And…I admit my guilt – I haven’t done the jump squats yet (what was I thinking – they would have warmed me up, too!). I wonder what my punishment should be? Maybe doing them outside — that would be punishment!

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