Food & Fitness

Day 23 of the 100 Reps Challenge

25 squat chops (25 for each side)
25 rock the boats

You know that you just are dying to do these exercises because of the names alone.

Complete this set 4 times for a total of 100 squat chops and 100 rock the boats!

Fitness Tip: Focus on your breathing for the rock the boat move especially. It will help you to stay in control and keep your core activated.

Don’t forget to answer yesterday’s poll!


  1. Danielle

    Great poll, can’t wait to see the results!

    I’m slightly shallow too, Trich… but think about it, feeling great about yourself, whether we like it or not, oftentimes is based largely on if we feel like we look great, and that is sometimes derived from other’s opinions. If on our journey to looking and feeling great we happen to live a healthier lifestyle… why the hell not šŸ™‚

  2. Fitness Surfer

    I kind of do the rock the boat but mine are more like a row the boat going from B to C but further down with a rowing motion. Killer for the lower abdominals. I always do it at the end of my ab workout. I love this variation and could use it to stretch out the back.

    Snowed in last night, but the sun has been out today. Iā€™m excited to hit the gym tonight.

  3. Sagan Morrow

    Tricia- oh this could be fun, thinking up names to associate every exercise with some kind of monster… šŸ™‚

    Danielle- excellent point about really needing to feel good. We can’t help being a wee bit vain, but at least it makes us healthier!

    VeggieGirl- am glad you like!

    Fitness Surfer- your version sounds great, thanks for sharing it. I’m addicted to abs exercises. Have fun at the gym! Weather cleared up a little bit today here, too.

  4. Sagan Morrow

    Lance- mmm pork chop. Renaming each exercise to have a food-related name as well as a monster-related name? šŸ™‚

    Juliet- it’s a great one! Love the yoga/pilates inspired exercises.

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