Food & Fitness

Live Well – Save Money – Help Others

It's that time of year again - the new Lifestyle Pass is coming out! This $40 booklet could save you over $2,000 at some of the best health and wellness businesses around Winnipeg. It features yoga and fitness studios, restaurants and cafes, spas and shops, and health and coaching (including…

Pour One Out video contest

The Centre for Science in the Public Interest - an organization which I admire greatly - is doing a video contest! From their information release: POUR ONE OUT VIDEO CONTEST Help spread the health message about sugary drinks and you could win $1,000! Sugary Drinks make up the largest single…

Vegan? Paleo? Raw? What’s the best way of eating?

This is something that many people get stumped with. There is a whole lot of information and research and scientific studies saying all kinds of conflicting things regarding food and nutrition. How can we choose a way of eating that is healthy when one study tells us that raw food…

Menu Planning Tips

Menu planning is one of the greatest techniques you can use to stay organized, choose healthy foods, and enjoy a stress-free mealtime every day. Here are a few ways to incorporate menu planning into your lifestyle: Get the whole family involved. Take some time when everyone is free, go through…

Why we’re better off without factory farms

Factory farms can be cruel to animals, pollute the environment, treat workers very poorly and be bad for our health. I like to think that most of us have at least a vague understanding of why factory farming is wrong, and details to put it all into perspective is a…

Staying Fit in the Cold

Overnight, it turned from autumn to winter here in Winnipeg. We went from 20 degrees to 0 in the space of a week. It's horrible! One of the problems with cold weather - especially when there isn't yet snow on the ground to go skiing, and the river isn't frozen…

New Vegan Program Now Available!

Want to lower your risk of heart disease and decrease your body mass? Interested in eliminating animal products from your diet and increasing your consumption of fibre? Tired of eating too much junk food and feeling sluggish? Veganism could be right for you! The Real World Wellness five-week vegan program…

What’s the deal with “natural flavours”?

When conducting my nutrition sessions, something I feel is important to do is to go through my client's cupboards or fridge to discuss some of the foods they have in the house, and to go over food labels. Reading food labels inevitably brings out numerous questions about various ingredients, and…