Food & Fitness

How to recover after intense exercise

I love being back at the gym! It's so good to take cardio box, step and body sculpt classes again :) And one of the things that's really helping is working on muscle recovery after the strenuous workout. Here are some ways to help your muscles recover so that you…

The Real Green Smoothie

I'm a huge advocate of drinking green smoothies daily---especially after reading Victoria Boutenko's Green for Life! I've read it a few times now over the past year or so and every time I read it I'm inspired to try new creations with green smoothies. For a long time now I've…

Real Food

Tomorrow is the last day of the detox month for the Ultimate Nutrition Challenge, and then we begin the real food month! I'm very excited for it. But first, a recap on the detox. January: Detox The detox went really well the first couple weeks. Then after that my heart…

How Can I Live Healthier?

This is a pretty big question that I think we can all continue to ask ourselves every day, no matter how far along our healthy journey we are. We might be close to our healthy peak in one area of our lives, but in another area we might have lots…

Plan 2 Bee follow-up review

I receive products in the mail every week to review. Obviously I don't get around to reviewing all of them - or even the majority of them! So these days I'm really focused on making sure that the products I do review are ones that are really worthwhile. (Also there…

2012: The Year of Balance

This is my 16th day on the Ultimate Nutrition Challenge and my detox month. So far it's been going great - I've lost 5 pounds and 1.3 % body fat! You can read about what I've been eating by visiting my Health Writer Eats food diary blog. But it occurred…

Can I Exercise on a Detox?

The answer to the above question is YES. Yes, you can exercise on a detox. It just depends on the type of detox that you're doing as to what type of exercise is the best choice for you. Some people say that when you do a detox, you should stop…

Dealing with challenges

I recently started on the final course of my nutrition diploma program, Sport & Fitness Nutrition. I have three months left to complete the course, and then I have to write an exam for it, and then I have to complete my final exam for the entire course in order…

Nine Days in NYC

Several weeks after Mr. Science and I returned from NYC, I'm finally getting around to posting about our trip! We arrived in NYC on Friday December 9 and left on Sunday December 18. It was the perfect length of time to be away. We did everything we wanted to do…