Food & Fitness

Five things everyone should experience on their own

There's something of a stigma in our society against doing things alone. You're automatically "weird" if you need alone time, or it's "inappropriate" to not want to spend every single moment with other people. I enjoy being around others, but having alone time is also very important to me. For…

The quick clean-up

It's happened to all of us dozens of times. Somehow your house gets a little untidy just for a couple days, and then all the sudden you find out that you're having company over in half an hour. Gah! It's not enough time to clean your whole place - so…

Activities for insomniacs

In my favourite textbook, Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balch, page 538 begins: Habitual sleeplessness is classified as insomnia. Failure to get an entire night's sleep on most nights over a one-month period can be considered chronic insomnia. Insomnia can take the form of being unable to fall…

Lessons from a food handler course

Yesterday I took an all-day food handler course for my work with Fruit Share, which resulted in an exam at the end of the day (I passed with 98%. Awesome :)). I learned some important things about handling food, and throughout the day I made several observations which I thought…

Nutrition presentation

I am delighted to announce that this afternoon I will be giving a presentation to inner-city youths at Fort Whyte about how to make nutritious choices at the grocery store, the importance of good health and my role with The Food Label Movement. Some of the main points of my…

Rhubarb crumble recipe

If you happen to have a rhubarb plant in your yard, this is a fantastic, nutritious way to use up all that rhubarb you harvested! It's also a very simple and easy recipe to follow, and one which you can adapt according to what ingredients you have at your disposal.…

Simple ways to reduce stress

As I've learned from my recent trips to Mr. Nice Doctor, it's likely that many of my symptoms are either related to or drastically enhanced by the stress in my life. Insomnia and nightmares, feeling fatigued and worn out, lacking energy, having receding gums, gaining weight, feeling anxious, breathing shallow…