Food & Fitness

What’s in your dish liquid? (giveaway!)

Is your dish liquid environmentally-friendly? How about human-friendly? Does it clean your dishes well? Tropical Traditions recently sent me a gigantic 1 gallon jug of their Household Traditions Dish Liquid. And let me tell you, this stuff is awesome! I haven't noticed any difference in comparison to the usual eco-friendly…

Cleansing from the inside out

Yesterday I did my semi-fast of mostly fruits and vegetables. I liked it. It was quite nice. I did some work from home, went for a walk, and enjoyed some books and good company. I made sure that I ate enough to not be hungry - I didn't want to…

New challenge: Fasting

I've tried a lot of different nutrition challenges, from eliminating added sugars to going vegan to going raw. And now, I'm going to try fasting. Why I am trying out fasting My reasons for this are, surprisingly, not to do with weight loss. I know that I've been talking about…

Creamy peanut butter spiced oats

Just a reminder that we're in the middle of our Peanut Butter Exhibition! Woohoo! This is a recipe that I've concocted especially for our peanut butter contest, which is focused around heat. I've chosen oatmeal since it's a staple for so many in the winter months, but I've added some…

The Great Peanut Butter Exhibition: Things are heating up

I'm honoured to have been invited to co-host the latest Peanut Butter Exhibition! This is the tenth Exhibition, started by the Peanut Butter Boy. The other co-hosts are myself, Bran Appetit, and Baking and Boys. It gives us great honor to bring you the next installment of the greatest recipe…

Blog your heart out day

Today is Blog Your Heart Out Day, a day to spread awareness about heart disease and heart health. Sahar at Fat Fighter TV was the one who alerted me to this a few days ago - as she said, heart disease is the number one killer among women. Clearly we…

Relying on order

As I mentioned on Monday, I hosted a bridal shower for The Bride this past weekend. It was a very successful affair and everyone had a great time. It wasn't until I had been home for a few hours and was preparing for the week, however, that I realized something…

The problem with weddings

A weekend of weddings. This past weekend was full of wedding "stuff". I spent Friday evening with The Bride, enjoying a girls' night and making wedding favours. Then, on Saturday, it was another friend's wedding (someone that I've known since birth), so the ceremony was in the afternoon and the…

Taste vs. smell: which is more important?

In my weight loss journey, I have been fascinated by how much our senses can impact how we perceive situations. For example, over the past few weeks I have gone to the movie theatre twice. Both times I was a little apprehensive because of the allure of movie theatre popcorn.…

31 ways to get fit and have fun

January is over and with it, my 31-day challenge of doing a different exercise each day is also over. You'll find that some of the exercises are very similar, and that's because I was doing exercises that I really enjoy. Also, it was a cold and busy month for me,…