Food & Fitness

Fueling Your Body

Giveaway And the winner of the Tropical Traditions All Purpose Cleaner is... Michelle! Congratulations, Michelle; e-mail me your mailing address and I'll make sure you get your cleaning product. Who knows, maybe it'll work against the cat puke ;) Fueling Your Body Exercising and nutrition go hand in hand. You…

The HITT Diet Plan

Check out my other blog posts about my eight-week HITT program at Aspire Fitness: Week One: HITT and the City Week Two: Tracking food and exercise online with Aspire Fitness Week Three: Looking for the ultimate workout The Best Exercise This Week Since my Week Two blog post about HITT,…

The Food Label Movement

I usually update my experiences with HITT at Aspire Fitness on Wednesdays, but this week I'm pushing that blog post to Friday because there's something I am so excited about that I cannot wait until Friday to share it with you... The Food Label Movement website has been launched! This…

Easy Tips for Working Out from Home

I am extending last week's giveaway to continue for another week - you have a whole extra week to enter to win for Tropical Traditions all purpose cleaner! Just click here to leave a comment. The winner will be announced on Monday, October 4th (for real this time ;)). Fitness…

Birthday Celebrations and a Guest Post

Birthday Celebrations I'm turning 22 today! Such fun. Tonight the boyfriend is cooking me dinner. We made an agreement to not give each other gifts at holidays; instead, we'll make dinner for each other (we are both pretty good cooks and enjoy it), or else go out for a nice…

Looking for the Ultimate Workout

Be sure to enter my giveaway! Check out my previous Aspire Fitness blog posts: Part One: HITT and the City Part Two: Tracking food and exercise online Looking for the Ultimate Workout Lately I've been thinking a lot about what the "ultimate" workout is. Generally when we decide we need…

What’s in your cleaning products?

Don't forget to answer this month's poll about ingredients in household products! Product Review: Tropical Traditions What kind of household cleaner do you normally use? In the past I have used something like Endust or Fantastik, but for the past couple years I have been using the brand Method. It…

Product Review and Comparison: Crystal Essence Body Deodorant

I was recently sent Crystal Essence deodorants to review. They are roll-on mineral deodorants that are hypoallergenic and paraben-free, and they do not contain aluminum chlorohydrate. So what the heck does that all mean, anyways? Here is some of what I learned from doing a bit of research: Aluminum chlorohydrate:…

Tracking food and exercise online with Aspire Fitness

Don't forget to answer this month's poll about ingredients in cosmetics and household products! Check out my last blog post about HITT by clicking here. I'm in the middle of Week Two of the eight-week HITT program I'm doing at Aspire Fitness. Fitness challenges rock my socks off, and this…