Food & Fitness

Vegan Sources of Protein

Part of the reason why I've gained five pounds over the past few months (or six, or whatever... but who's counting?) is because I've been "overdosing" on carbs and fats, and not having enough of a balance of protein throughout the day. I'm trying to reign in my eating habits…

Operation Lose Five Pounds: Painless Tips

It's all across the media: losing just a little bit of weight can significantly boost our immune systems. How's that for motivation to tackle five or ten pounds?! Thinking about it as "weight loss", however, can be overwhelming and make it seem like a chore. There are many simple ways…

Who are YOU?

Be sure to answer this month's poll about time spent driving! A major part of my Operation Lose Five Pounds is about figuring out exactly who I am. Not who I used to be, or who I'd like to be, but who I am now. And that means listening to…

Poll: How much do you drive?

Coconut Oil Giveaway Winner And the winner of the Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil is... Diane of Fit to the Finish! I chose Diane for two reasons: 1) She has an aversion to coconut, like I do, so I'm curious to see if she'll become a convert ;), and 2) It…

Sneaky Cupboard Strategies for Weight Loss

Be sure to enter my coconut oil giveaway! While it's typical for us to place our veggies and fruits in compartments on the lower shelves of the fridge, I'm going to tell you right now that if you want to increase your intake of plants- whether you want to lose…

Operation Lose Five Pounds

Be sure to enter my coconut oil giveaway! Operation Lose Five Pounds Carrying around an extra five pounds may not seem like such a big deal, but even just a few unnecessary pounds of fat can be a health hazard. Most of us can significantly reduce our risk of heart…

Re-cap of the Thirty Days of Yoga Challenge

This has certainly been an interesting month-long challenge. In the latter half of the month, my resolution to do yoga daily completely fell apart. I could blame it on being busy with exams and moving, but in reality, the truth is that I grew tired of it and didn't prioritize…

Mission: Lose Weight Overseas (Update)

The sistertraveller has been hard at work to lose a few pounds and she has sent us an e-mail update! Check out her original plea for help from about a month ago to refresh your memory on her situation. Here's how her progress is going: Your advice and tips were invaluable…

How will you celebrate National Walk @ Lunch Day?

Representing the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, Alexandra Lundy contacted me earlier this month to bring my attention towards a wonderful event: National Walk @ Lunch Day. And guess what? That day is today, April 28th! As most of you know, walking is my main method of transportation and my…