Food & Fitness

Book Review: Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Cookbook

You might remember when I reviewed Tosca Reno's The Eat Clean Diet for Family and Kids and interviewed her last year. She's back again with a brand new cookbook!* This book is gorgeous. She includes some recipes from her other cookbook, such as how to make yogurt cheese and her…

Day Eight of the 200 Reps Challenge

20 Seated Rows (targets back muscles, especially rhomboids and middle traps) 20 Lunges (targets thighs and glutes) Perform this set ten times for a total of 200 Seated Rows and 200 Lunges! For the Seated Rows: 1. Sit on a mat on the floor with your legs straight out in…

Day Six of the 200 Reps Challenge

20 jumping jacks (targets cardio and also the lower body) 20 bird dogs (targets entire core) Do this set ten times for a total of 200 jumping jacks and 200 bird dogs! For the jumping jacks: 1. Place your feet wide apart. Jump your feet inward as your arms go…

Day Five of the 200 Reps Challenge

A couple of oldies but goodies today! 20 push ups (targets pectorals, shoulders, and triceps) 20 bicycle crunches (targets abs, particularly obliques) Complete the above set ten times for a total of 200 push ups and 200 bicycle crunches! For the push ups: 1. Get down on your front on…

Day Three of the 200 Reps Challenge

Remember to answer this month's poll! It feels so good to have that burn back in the arms and legs. It's been a while since I've felt that! I keep forgetting that I don't have boot camp or someone else to whip me into shape. It's important to take responsibility…

Poll: What does your morning routine look like?

Day Two of the 200 Reps Challenge I don't know about all of you, but that first day of 200 reps was definitely challenging. I like it! My friend Alana says that whenever she really hates an exercise, she knows that that's the one she should be doing, because it…

Day One of the 100 Reps Challenge (2009 edition)

Dr. J suggested yesterday that instead of a 100 Reps Challenge, this year, we change things up a little. Make it a bit more... challenging. And I think he's right. After all, why do 100 reps of an exercise when you can do 200, right? Right! So, as per Dr.…

The Return of the 100 Reps Challenge

You may remember that back in December 2008, I hosted a month-long 100 reps challenge. These days I'm feeling it more and more that my strength training isn't quite "up to snuff", so we're going to embark on the 100 reps challenge once again this year to squeeze some strength…