Food & Fitness

Day 17 of the Vegan Challenge

Yesterday I ate: - Bowl of oatmeal with 1/3 cup oats, 2/3 cup unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze, 1 banana, cinnamon, and a spoonful of FitNutz Pro - 2 apples with (oh man this is embarrassing) 5 tbsp of PB2. My shipment of PB2 came in about 5 minutes before I…

Guest Post: Healthy Eating for Mesothelioma Patients

Yesterday, on Day 15 of the Vegan Challenge, I ate: - Bowl of puffed wheat mixed with homemade granola and topped with 1/2 banana, a couple strawberries, and some unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze - 1 apple, a couple mushrooms and carrots with hummus, and 2 tbsp almonds - 3 beanballs…

Day 15 of the Vegan Challenge

Yesterday I ate: - Leftover vanilla spice pancakes, topped with peanut butter, raspberry jam, and strawberries (I started off with the jam, but then decided it was too sweet, so I switched to strawberries for the last few pancakes). - Super thick strawberry milkshake with 1 cup unsweetened vanilla Almond…

Comments and Questions about the Challenge(s)

Yesterday, on Day 13 of the Vegan Challenge, I ate: - Vanilla Spice Pancakes with 1 tbsp peanut butter. I adapted FatFree Vegan Kitchen's recipe for Golden Spice Pancakes by subbing vanilla Almond Breeze for the orange juice, eliminating the raisins/orange zest/orange peel, upping the amount of cinnamon, adding in…

Chewy and Crunchy Granola

Yesterday I ate: - Big bowl of granola mixed with puffed wheat and topped with unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze, 1/2 sliced banana and a few sliced strawberries (okay, I lie. This was more like 1 normal sized bowl and then a small bowl following it. What can I say? It…

Cheezy Sauce Recipe

Yesterday, on Day 11 of the Vegan Challenge, I ate: - 1 apple - 1/4 cup almonds and a thick slice gingerbread - Salad with romaine lettuce, spinach, quinoa/bean/veggie mixture, radishes, cucumber, tomato, green pepper, carrots, 1 slice Yves deli "turkey", some raisins, and asparagus - 1 almond butter ball,…

Day 10 of the Vegan Challenge

Yesterday I ate: - Bowl of oatmeal: 1/3 cup oats, 2/3 cup unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze, 1/2 banana, 1/2 tbsp peanut butter, some cinnamon - Salad with romaine lettuce, spinach, raisins, hummus, a couple spoonfuls of the quinoa/veggie/bean mixture, tomato, green and red bell pepper, cucumber, asparagus, radishes, and snow…

Don’t Be SAD!

Yesterday I ate: - Big slice of blueberry breakfast polenta (heated in the microwave) and a chocolate milkshake (1 frozen banana, 1 cup unsweetened chocolate Almond Breeze, 1 tbsp each wheat germ and ground flax, 1/2 tbsp peanut butter, sprinkle of cinnamon). I made the milkshake the night before and…

Day Eight of the Vegan Challenge

Yesterday I ate: - Brunch at my aunt and uncles: 2 1/2 raisin scones (I made them substituting oil for the melted margarine and ground flaxseed mixed with water for the egg; they turned out perfect), mixed fresh fruit (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, watermelon), and a smoothie (orange…