Food & Fitness

Nutritional Yeast

Yesterday, on Day Six of the Vegan Challenge, I ate: - 1 slice homemade bread with 1 tsp almond butter and 1 small slice blueberry breakfast polenta with maple syrup - 1/2 cantaloupe filled with a few big spoonfuls of granola, 1/2 pluot, and 1/2 banana, plus the other 1/2…

Day Six of the Vegan Challenge

Yesterday I ate: - Big slice of Blueberry Breakfast Polenta (recipe from Get It Ripe by Jae Steele). This was a yummy concoction of cornmeal, cinnamon, sea salt, apple juice, water, olive oil, and blueberries. I drizzled maple syrup on top. - 1 calzone filled with nutritional yeast cheese sauce,…

Poll: Do you read ingredient lists?

Yesterday, on Day Three of the Vegan Challenge, I ate: - Chocolate banana milkshake (1 frozen banana, 1 cup unsweetened chocolate Almond Breeze, dash of cinnamon, a sprinkle each of wheat germ and flaxseed meal) and 1/2 cherry pie Larabar - Ants on a log! (4 stalks of celery with…

Day Three of the Vegan Challenge

Yesterday I ate: - 5 buckwheat pancakes with fresh strawberries, blueberries, and 1/2 tsp maple syrup; 1/2 an apple with 1/2 tbsp almond butter - 1 celery stalk with homemade hummus, 2 figs with 1/2 tbsp almond butter - Milkshake! I used 1 cup unsweetened chocolate Almond Breeze with 1…

Day Two of the Vegan Challenge and Holiday Recap

Yesterday, on Day One of the Vegan Challenge, I ate: - 1/2 an apple with 1/2 tbsp almond butter (pre-run snack) - 3 buckwheat crepes with fresh blueberries, strawberries, and apple slices, drizzled with agave - Smoothie made with 1/2 frozen banana, handful of spinach, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, just…

Vegan Challenge kick-off

I'm back from Texas! It was a lovely trip and I'll write more about it later on this week, but we have more pressing things to discuss right now so I'll just leave you with this photo: VEGAN CHALLENGE KICK-OFF Tomorrow, being the first day of September, is the beginning…

Guest Post: Seven Tips to Avoid Overeating

Overeating is so easy to do, particularly at the holidays or on special occasions. We somehow find a way of justifying to ourselves that there’s a reason for us to eat whatever we eat in often excessive amounts. However it’s all a mental game and if you wish to stay…

Guest Post: Maximize Fitness with these Maxims

I love the fact that I’m fit and healthy – I jog regularly and play racquetball every other day. But if I’m honest with myself and the world, I will admit it took me quite a while to get started down this route, the one that helped me lose weight…