Food & Fitness

Product Review: Glee Gum

Writing a Novella One of my current projects (besides, you know, the 9k race, the Burpee Challenge, writing my two blogs, preparing for another nutrition challenge... etc, etc) is completing my novella which I have been working on for nearly two years now. It is bundles of fun and I…

Guest Post: 10 Tasty Desserts That Are Good For Your Health

Who doesn’t love dessert? However if you’re not careful, you just might blow your daily calorie count on just one dessert. Before you determine that you’ll never be able to eat dessert again, look at some healthy but delicious options. 1. Baked Apples: Not only is this dessert healthy but…

When nutrition gets neglected

Although fitness-wise I've been doing very well on the health front, my nutrition has been veering wildly off course since Folk Fest. In fact, the night before my race on Saturday, I had a beer and then ate dinner at a diner: cheeseburger with lots of French fries and a…

Race Challenge: Success

One year ago I ran because of depression. Because I was hurting. This year I ran because I wanted to challenge my mind and body. Because I discovered that sometimes, I really love running. Pre-race On Saturday I completed my Run A Race This Summer Challenge: a 6.5k trail run.…

Life Lessons: Running Challenge comes to a close

Giveaway Winner And the winner of the FitNutz powdered peanut butter giveaway is... Charlotte! Email me your mailing address and I'll get your FitNutz sent straight to you. We're all interested in this PB popcorn that you spoke of so you know that now we'll all be expecting you to…

Recap of an indulgent weekend

Guest Posting I'm guest posting at Dr. Mommy Health Tips! Check it out to learn more about almost-vegetarianism (as opposed to flexitarianism). Speaking of guest posts, I'll be going away next weekend to Ontario and later on in the summer I'll be going away for another short trip, so if…

Guest Post: Yoga for Running

Carrie Lundy, a yoga instructor in my city, studied yoga in India. I've taken an outdoor yoga class with her and it was fantastic; I definitely have to do that again sometime soon. She agreed to answer a few questions that I had about yoga in general, and particularly about…

Review and Giveaway: FitNutz Peanut Butter

I was very happy when the people behind FitNutz Peanut Butter agreed to send me some samples to review. Most health/food bloggers seem to have tried PB2 at this point and we're all raving about that brand of peanut butter (I adore it so much that I have it shipped…

Exercise vs. Sleep

Two days ago I finally did it. I signed up for a race. A week from this coming Saturday, I will have accomplished my goal of running a race this summer. I am incredibly excited about it. I chose a 6km trail run so that I'll have some nice scenery…