Food & Fitness

Guest Post: Dealing with a Cancer Diagnosis

Hi everyone! My name’s Liz, I live near London, and I’d like to thank Sagan for the opportunity to do a guest blog on her website, which I’ve been a fan of for several months now. This is my first ever blog post – not before time I guess. In…

How do you react to a lack of control of your diet?

Yesterday there was no blog post because I got sick. Again. I was bedridden the entire day and it felt really awful. I think I'll be holding off from eating too much unusual food for a while! While I was lying in bed all sickly and exhausted, I was thinking about…

Sleeping Issues and a Cooking Class Recipe

Can you fall asleep? I have terrible sleeping problems, so when I was contacted about a new online resource,, which provides information about insomnia, I was very interested.  I have been lucky since coming to Cambodia: living here must really agree with me because after months and even years…

Cultural Differences in Health

Hailing from a city nicknamed "Winterpeg" for its frigidly cold weather, it is with great pleasure that I have been soaking up the heat here in Cambodia. My body hasn't really had time to acclimatize (which I think is partly why I became so ill), but I adore the temperature…

Life Lessons: Sometimes we need the meds

I had a post all lined up for yesterday, but sometimes, an upset tummy and a visit to the hospital just get in the way! My dad and I spent the weekend in Siem Reap to visit the temples. It was a gorgeous trip and the temples were spectacular! So…

Recipe: Banana Blossom Salad with Chicken

On Thursday I took a cooking class that lasted from 9am-4pm to learn how to cook Khmer dishes, and it was fantastic. There were only six of us students and our teacher took us to the market to tell us all about the different kinds of fruit and herbs. We…

Exploring Phnom Penh

I am "home" in Cambodia! The flight was ridiculously long. I arrived in Phnom Penh at about 10pm on Monday night. On Tuesday my dad took me out on a tuk tuk and showed me the Independence Monument, the Silver Pagoda, and the Russian Market. Tuk tuk The Independence Monument…

Poll: Adventures with Exotic Food

Last month's poll The question that 58 of us answered was: what is your biggest issue when it comes to eating? This was a toughie because you could only pick one answer; we were identifying our major vice. However, I think that many of us would say that we fall…

Giveaway Winners, My Travels, and a Numbers Conundrum

Giveaway Winners Congratulations to the winners of the Sinupret for Kids medication and The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood book: MizFit bhealthier Charlotte Sharon Mary Healthy Ashley Marta Kim V Shannon Katy Stuffgirlswant Fitness Surfer Sharon Fairclough Blake Mishia E-mail me your mailing address at and I will ensure…