Food & Fitness

What’s Happening on the Web (some healthy links)

Lately I have received quite a few emails from people letting me know about websites/articles that they think I would be interested in. With the craziness of studying for my final exam and getting ready for Cambodia (I leave on Sunday!), I figure that this is the perfect time to…

The Slow Food Movement

Defined as the opposite of fast food (because everything is binaries and opposition!), slow food is a lifestyle of eating real, wholesome, natural foods, with an emphasis on getting involved in the preparation and production of the food so that when we eat, it is a shared communal experience and…

Life Lessons: On Being (Too) Nice

It's one of the most well-known stereotypes of Canadians: we're polite. We apologize. We're doormats. What can I say? There is, to some extent, a ring of truth to the stereotype. At aikido last night, sensei was telling me about the issues that the older students had when they first…

Book Review: Healing through Exercise by Jorg Blech

We don't move enough. And moving, even just a small amount each day, can drastically improve and enhance our lives. This is the basic premise of science writer Jorg Blech's book, Healing through Exercise: Scientifically-proven ways to prevent and overcome illness and lengthen your life", which I recently received from…

A Balanced Variety

Like Erin at Fit Bottomed Girls, I have a frustrating problem with ear buds: without fail, they always fall out of my ears. Maybe I have abnormally shaped ears, but for some reason, those little guys just never want to stay put. It's for this reason that I generally don't…

Life Lessons: Learning how to cook

When put in a position where you are forced to do one thing or another, it's amazing how quickly we realize what we are capable of. I've never been much of a cook. One of my best friend's will never let me live down the time that I forgot to…

Taking care of our bodies

My life is riddled with term papers, group projects, and exams right now. But just about everything is due on Monday so it will all be over soon! And I will be a happily stress-free camper once again. In between the studying and researching and writing, I have been taking…

Product Review: NURU Exercise Anywhere Cards

First, major thanks to Small Steps to Health for recommending me to NURU for a product review - much appreciated! NURU Exercise Anywhere cards are a small deck inconspicuous enough to fit in the back pocket of your jeans (I'm talking skinny jeans, too - the kind where you have…