Food & Fitness

Interpretations of Marketing Strategies: Hidden Information

On Friday, Crabby McSlacker at Cranky Fitness looked at the pros and cons of requiring calorie counts on restaurant menus. Because of the recent increase in places all across the States (and Canada, too, now) beginning to mandate nutritional information on restaurant menus, this has been the subject for debate…

Poll: Identifying Food Vices

Last month's poll In February we discussed what kind of milk we all enjoy. With 64 voters in total, 11% drink whole milk, 22% drink low fat or 1% milk, 30% drink skim (fat free) milk, 20% drink soy or another dairy alternative, and 17% don't drink any kind of…

Product Review: POM Juice

The POM Wonderful company kindly sent me some of their POM Wonderful 100% pomegranate juice to review and I was happy to oblige. I am not a big juice drinker myself, but I do enjoy pomegranates and any all-natural product is sure to catch my interest. Pomegranate juice has been…

Life Lessons: Toxicity Levels

I'm slightly neurotic. My parent's cat has been living with me for about a month now. She (the cat) moved in because the mother dear went away on holiday for a few weeks. It was nice for the first little while with playing with Sage the cat and cuddling with…

Sugar Challenge Follow-Up and Fitness Q & A

When I saw this message from my twitter friend @lizwicksteed, I knew I had to share it with all of you: Hi Sagan I’m now on day 6 of the challenge and have been amazed how quickly it’s going. We’ve eaten some delicious food (especially your recipes hehe) and I…

Product Review: Hershey’s Extra Dark Chocolate

After a week of no added sugars, I think it's time to bring on a little taste of chocolate. I was asked to review Hershey's Extra Dark Chocolate and was more than happy to oblige. It comes in several different flavors, and the ones that I received were Pure Dark…

Reflections on the Sugar Challenge

On Day Seven of the Sugar Challenge (Saturday) I ate: - Frozen grapes (and non-frozen grapes) - 1 bowl of oatmeal (mixed with water, a banana, cinnamon, and peanut butter) - Plain yogurt mixed with 1 chopped apple and cinnamon - 1 homemade tortilla grilled with hummus, some Laughing Cow…

Day Seven of the Sugar Challenge

Today is the last day! How are you doing? Will you be binging on sugar tomorrow or do you think you will be able to continue eating less sugar in your diet on a more regular basis? I have really had an enormous amount of fun with this challenge, and…

Day Six of the Sugar Challenge

Can you believe it's almost over already?! Yesterday I ate: - Plain yogurt with frozen blueberries and 1/2 an apple - Handful of grapes - Salad with spinach, tomato, carrots, celery, green pepper, some of the quinoa dish, and hummus - Quesadilla (2 homemade tortillas grilled on the George Foreman…