Food & Fitness

Cheesy Chicken Quesadilla with Hummus and Red Pepper

While the sisterroommate is away, the mouse will play! This week both my mum and sister have skipped country, leaving me to fend for myself to cook. I must be getting better at my kitchen adventures, because I have been successfully making all kinds of delicious eats without much of…

Taking the “work” out of the workout

When I saw 10 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise posted over at A Merry Life, I began thinking about all of the different ways that we trick ourselves into exercise on the days when we really don't want to do it. It's an excellent post and I recommend you…

Life Lessons: Aikido Part Two

After the first session on Friday as an active participant in the class, I'm officially in love with aikido. My friend prepped me before the class about some of the etiquette which was incredibly helpful, and it was really nice to have someone there to show me the ropes. There's…

Aikido Part One

For years I have wanted to try some kind of martial art. I'm not sure when or why it started but I just had this very strong desire to learn. I find the grace of the movements beautiful to watch. I love how strong and powerful students of martial arts…

Book Review: “The Body Fat Solution” by Tom Venuto

Another book sent to me by Penguin Group, The Body Fat Solution:5 Principles for Burning Fat, Building Lean Muscle, Ending Emotional Eating, and Maintaining Your Perfect Weight is a lifestyle plan written by an experienced body builder and personal trainer. Tom Venuto has explored various aspects of the health industry…

Junk Food vs. Indulgence

Nazarina asked an interesting question on my Super Bowl Feasts post, which I thought was one worth addressing in a post all on its own: Do you ever eat junk food (maybe just during a moment of weakness)? To answer this question we have to think about what constitutes "junk…

Life Lessons: Building Furniture

Ever since I moved into my own place last September, I have been living out of baskets. All of my clothes have just been piled in a heap in a couple baskets on my floor (originally these baskets were propped up on a chair, but then we decided we needed…

Poll: What form of exercise do you prefer?

Our last poll In December we discussed the reasons for why we eat nutritiously and stay active. No shocker with the results there: 68% of us do it for the combined benefit of being healthy and feeling/looking great! 20% like to treat their bodies well primarily for aesthetic reasons with…

Super Bowl Feasts

There's a lot of hoopla (that's a technical term these days) going around about the Super Bowl right now. I admit it, I'm not much of a spectator when it comes to sports- never ask me if I know any names of players or even names of teams, because I…