Food & Fitness

Poll: Justifying food choices

First of all, read this post from Elastic Waist. People do this all the time around me. They seem to think that because I'm a health writer and am trying to live a healthy lifestyle, that automatically means that I'm judging them for everything that they do. Therefore, they feel…

New form of exercise: dodging cars!

If there's one thing that's essential to being healthy, it's being alive. This is something which Winnipeg drivers, if my recent experiences as a pedestrian are any indication of, have a conflicting interest with. I happen to value my life. And I'm going to just make the wild assumption right…

Life Lessons: Try and Try and Try Again

I'm still getting used to the oven at my new apartment. It is very hot so I learned quickly that I need to turn it down about 25 degrees less than the temperature should be. Even so, sometimes I have a few problems with it, like yesterday. I had decided…

Don’t leave room for regret

Whether we like it or not, we are defined by the choices we make- be they active choices or indirect. We notice when people change their ways, and we make assumptions and draw conclusions from that. After eating the turkey leg at Thanksgiving for the first 18ish years of my…

Happy Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving this year with our usual big family dinner yesterday- although our number was reduced by two around the table because of something special that happened last week... my auntie had twins! Girls (Taylor and Alexa) and so so cute. So my uncle and aunt were unable to…

Life Lessons: Fashion Choices for Exercising

Lace up those shoes! We had such a nice discussion going about walking the other day that I feel the need to elaborate some more on it today. I am lopsided. My right leg is a good inch (roughly) shorter than my left leg. All of my shoes have to…


For me, walking is life. When I'm stressed, overwhelmed, or upset, my treatment of choice is to go out for a long walk. It clears the head and is very relaxing. It is fantastic for the health of your body. The great outdoors also provides wonderful things to see: between…

How about a new take on celebrities?

Last week I saw the new Woody Allen film, Vicky Christina Barcelona. Besides it being a fantastic movie, I couldn't help but be totally amazed by the real beauty that Scarlett Johansson, Rebecca Hall, and Penelope Cruz all possess. I mean, just take a look at these images. That is…

The Abs Challenge!

Tim Rosanelli was kind enough to send me a link to the new challenge he has created.That's right, everyone. Inspired by the one hundred push up challenge, this challenge is to work on your abs: 60 sit ups in one minute!(Yes, that high-pitched girly squeal of excitement is in fact…