
Food & Fitness

Product Review: Hershey’s Extra Dark Chocolate

After a week of no added sugars, I think it’s time to bring on a little taste of chocolate.

I was asked to review Hershey’s Extra Dark Chocolate and was more than happy to oblige. It comes in several different flavors, and the ones that I received were Pure Dark Chocolate, Pure Dark Chocolate infused with Raspberry Flavor, and Pure Dark Chocolate infused with Pomegranate flavored pieces.

The Best Life Treat Seal of Approval

The reason why I was asked to review this chocolate is because Bob Greene, known for his Best Life Diet and his work with Oprah, recently approved Hershey’s Extra Dark Chocolate for his Best Life Treat Seal. The Best Life Treat Seal of Approval indicates that a food product “contains one or more of the following nutritious ingredients: whole grains, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and other essential nutrients”.

I really take issue with this kind of statement. It is hopelessly vague and is far too inclusive. Nearly any food product could boast these kinds of claims, and there doesn’t even seem to be any restrictions (for example, I see no mention of how the food can’t contain any trans fats and so forth. What isn’t in our food is sometimes just as important as what is in our food). Among the other brands besides Hershey’s that have been approved of by Bob Greene are Lean Cuisine, Smart Balance, Skinny Cow, and Grapes from California, to name just a few. I too would approve of the grapes, but the others? Not likely. There are at least half a dozen different names for sugar in most of the Lean Cuisine products; artificial flavors in Smart Balance buttery spread and their “smart n’ healthy popcorn”; and high fructose corn syrup in Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches.

As you might have guessed, I am very skeptical of Bob Greene, his Best Life Diet, and his understanding of what constitutes a product of being “healthy”.

Hershey’s Extra Dark Chocolate

So now we come to the real issue at hand: chocolate! The ingredients list for the Pure Dark chocolate is as follows: semi-sweet chocolate (chocolate; sugar; cocoa; milk fat; cocoa butter; soy lecithin; natural vanilla flavor; milk). The Raspberry flavored chocolate has an identical ingredients list with the additional ingredient of “natural flavor” tacked on after “semi-sweet chocolate”.

The Pomegranate chocolate shares the same ingredients list as Pure Dark but it also contains: “fruit juice concentrate (pomegranate juice concentrate; cranberry juice concentrate; apple juice concentrate; pineapple juice concentrate; elderberry juice concentrate; contains 2% or less of: sugar; pectin; natural flavor; maltodextrin; malic acid; corn syrup; ascorbic acid”.

Four of these large individually wrapped chocolate squares contain 180 calories, 14g fat, and 15g of sugar, which isn’t too bad at all. They are only 60% cocoa, however, and, as we saw above, the ingredients list really isn’t all that impressive. Sugar shouldn’t be the second ingredient, and I am always a little suspicious of the phrase “natural flavor“. That being said, I also would not say that this chocolate is bad for you. And when it comes to taste, this chocolate is really delicious!

I do not usually enjoy flavored chocolates. In fact, I’m incredibly picky when it comes to my chocolate and will often refuse to eat any chocolate that is flavored or has nuts and such in it. But I was pleasantly surprised by how great each of these flavors tasted. The Pure Dark is delicious for snacking on (remember, it’s only 60% so it’s not bitter at all), and the Raspberry chocolate was also pretty good but the Pomegranate flavored chocolate was absolutely my favorite. I loved the little pieces of fruit that added these crunchy little bursts of flavor. It isn’t too intense; the subtle hints of pomegranate really hit the spot and one piece is very satisfying! I think it might be one of my new favorite kinds of chocolate- and that’s saying a lot. As far as amounts go, I and the other couple of people who were involved in the taste-testing agreed that as a serving size, four squares are very generous. Even as a “chocoholic”, a couple of these squares satisfies my sweet tooth without making me go back to continue to eat more.

My idea of a healthy food is one which we ought to be eating every day and should actively try to incorporate into our diet. Spinach, for example, is a food that we all should try to get ourselves to like just because of its fantastic nutritional benefits. But when it comes to something like chocolate, I wouldn’t say that we should try to get ourselves to like it just for the nutritional benefits (if, that is, you don’t like it. Is there such thing as a person not liking chocolate? :)). Even with dark chocolate, much as I love it, I don’t honestly believe that the nutritional benefits outweigh the unhealthy aspects. Granted, if the choice is between dark chocolate and some other dessert, the chocolate is probably your best bet. That doesn’t make it healthy, though. That makes it healthier, and as we have learned, this is a crucial distinction!

I really enjoyed this chocolate and think that the company has done a wonderful job of making it taste great. But I fail to see how it is in any way “good for you” or healthy. A square of this chocolate is a nice indulgent treat, however, and it is a product that I had a lot of fun with taste-testing and reviewing. If you really want the nutritional benefits that come along with eating dark chocolate you should aim for a higher cocoa percentage, but if you are just looking for a tasty treat that might be a little healthier than another sweet choice, then Hershey’s Extra Dark is for you!

*Post-Sugar Challenge note: I originally tried these chocolates before the Sugar Challenge, but then tried them afterward again to refresh my memory to write this review. After two squares, although the chocolate still tasted fantastic, my teeth were hurting and I needed to brush them. It’s amazing how just one week without eating added sugars can change our body’s response to different kinds of food.


  1. Rupal

    HMm, that is interesting. I have not tried those but am definitely intrigued…pom chocolate!?

    Here we have this company that makes organic Chocolate Called Green & Blacks and I believe its 70% so it has all the antioxidanty goodness plus its a fab morsel as dessert..oh my point was that they have cherry and butterscotch flavors which are to die for!

    Thanks for the review!

  2. Spring Girl

    I really like your criticism of advertising it as healthy. To go one step further, I was suprised that it’s ‘dark’ chocolate given that the cocoa content is only 60% and includes milk which totally nulifies the antioxidant claim.

    I had a look at their website and now I get it. The product is label is ‘Extra Dark’ but the only one in the range that would meet the antioxidant claim is the actual ‘dark chocolate’ flavour. That seems VERY misleading to me, especially if that’s their claim for health.

  3. MizFit

    Im with you on the misleading and the fact that YOU are educated enough to look into it and the general public would NOT. would take it all at face value. the industry preys on our ignorance.

    (and I loved your post script too. not surprising but made me wonder if Id have had the same experience? I love me some sugar)

  4. Tricia

    Great Review! Unfortunately, I can only stand 70%+ dark chocolate, and things like twix or m&ms (which is why I dont’ keep them in the apartment).

    The Best Life thing approved it as a treat, right? “Best Life Treat Seal”. I think they were saying it’s not awful for you, but it’s still a treat. But again, I try to assume that gurus can’t be bought (At least, a guru who’s been on Oprah should be successful enough that they can’t be bought).

  5. the Bag Lady

    Thanks for the review, Sagan. I was wondering how the pomegranate/chocolate would taste – didn’t sound appealing to me. (love both, but didn’t think they would be good together)

    Oh, and my dad didn’t like dark chocolate. Apparently, he pigged out on it when he was a little kid and could never eat it again! Now that I think about it, he seldom ate chocolate at all. Occasionally at Christmas. Wish I was more like him!

  6. Sagan Morrow

    Rupal- ooh I’m intrigued by the butterscotch idea!

    Spring Girl- I agree that it is misleading. 60% isn’t enough… it really only gives the illusion of being healthy.

    MizFit- I think you would’ve probably reacted the same way. I’m the girl who downed a jar of PB2 in about 2 days pre-sugar challenge, and now I’m satisfied with ONE tbsp rather than 1/2 cup. So strange!

    VeggieGirl- thanks!

    Tricia- oh. That’s where we differ. I pretty much always assume that those kinds of people ARE bought 😉

    Bag Lady- well there we have the answer, if we want to be like him, we just need to pig out on chocolate. I’m game 😀

    Dr. J- taste testing is a serious business 😉

  7. Holly

    “After a week of no added sugars, I think it’s time to bring on a little taste of chocolate.”

    I like how you think. 🙂

    I completely agree about the “Best Life Diet.” I can just see people stuffing themselves with Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches because Bob Greene says they are good for you.

    That is really interesting to hear there is a pomegranate/choco mix. I never would’ve guessed that tasted good! But, with chocolate, anything is possible. 🙂

  8. Fitness Surfer

    I just bought some of this last week. I was looking for a dark chocolate with the lowest amount of fat and the lowest amount of sugar. This by far was the lowest in both, and still tasted great. I use to hate dark chocolate. Now when i taste M&M’s all i can taste is sugar and fat. Bleh. I think i may have turned my chocolate addiction into a nutritional daily snack =) Thanks for the review.

  9. cathy

    Back when I was dairy free, it always ticked me off that all of Hershey’s chocolates have milk in them – even their dark chocolate. No longer dairy free, but I still hold on to my purist tendencies when it comes to dark chocolate – hold the milk, please. Still, other than stubbornness, there’s nothing to keep me from enjoying some, and I am tempted to pick up a bar after this review!

  10. Sagan Morrow

    Holly- that’s exactly my fear. Even if it’s a treat, people assume that it means they can have a treat every day. Eating Lean Cuisine or Skinny Cow every day is not a healthy choice.

    Tom- thanks! I appreciate that.

    Fitness Surfer- that’s great! Most chocolate is too sweet for me too (used to LOVE Aero bars. Now, meh).

    Cathy- hehe I definitely know what you mean about being stubborn.

    Shannon- thanks for reading and am hopping on over to check out your site as we blogspeak!

  11. Juliet

    I love (I mean LOVE — I even went to see her live once) Oprah but I take serious issue with Bob Greene. I really feel like he gives shady advice. He recommends a lot of foods I wouldn’t go near.

  12. Monica Shaw

    Great review. I’m with the others… pom chocolate sounds gross. Although I do kind of like orange-flavoured chocolate so who knows.

    BTW, for a seriously intense dark chocolate experience, check out Noir Infini, 99% cocoa, dark chocolate. It takes some getting used to but it’s pretty amazing. And one nibble is really enough to satisfy.

  13. Small Steps to Health

    I tried this chocolate before. I really like it even though I am more of a milk chocolate fan. It was on sale and that gets my attention like nothing else.

    I have admit though, that when I am looking to indulge in some chocolate, I rather just eat milk chocolate. It is not like I eat chocolate on a regular basis, hence needing the substitution to a healthier option.

  14. Danielle

    Your sugar-free week was incredible. Thank you for sharing it with us. I really am quite proud of you for having challenged yourself and discovered so much. Kudos to you, my dear! And enjoy the dark chocolate if you do so choose 🙂

  15. Sagan Morrow

    Krisitsummer- I know it sounds weird, but it seriously tastes great!

    Juliet- yeah I’m not too keen on his “philosophy”.

    Monica- wow that’s intense 🙂 I adore Lindt chocolate, myself.

    Crystal- if you do, let me know what you think of it.

    Charlotte- oops. Sorry!

    Small Steps to Health- that makes sense. We definitely need to really ENJOY the treats that we eat. (Again with the Lindt, I lovelovelove the milk chocolate balls with the creamy center ;)).

    Danielle- aww thanks! You’re such a sweetie.

  16. ttfn300

    i think i need a sugar detox to remind myself that milk and white are too sweet :-/ there was a time not too long ago i was “sooo over” them!!

    ps- i found a few recipes for homemade poptarts online (foodblogsearch.com). i’ll let you know if i try any 🙂

  17. Jahanavi

    Man, I followed that the dark truth link, and was completely in the story. Damn exciting. The latest post talks about a friend of him who’s gone missing . Somewhere on his way to Leh, India. And the guy is asking for help find it. Soundss like an online game . This looks interesting. M already hooked on.

    Hey, btw, nice post you have there – keep rocking – 😉

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