Product Review: Nature’s Path (Part Three)
The third and final installment of the Nature’s Path product review! For this review, I tried two kinds of cereal and two kinds of granola. This review is a little bit different than the other two…
First, I tried the Mesa Sunrise Corn, Flax, Quinoa & Amaranth cereal. This reminded me a lot of the Flax Plus Multibran Flakes, except that I liked the bran flakes a little bit better (that bran flavor was really fantastic in those flakes!). But I do like that the Corn, Flax, Quinoa & Amaranth cereal made for a great blank canvas: the other Nature’s Path cereals are so delicious but are excellent as stand-alone flavors. I wouldn’t want to add anything else to the Vanilla Crunch cereal, for example.
However, with something like this Mesa Sunrise cereal, you can really get creative and create so many new flavors: add some cane sugar or maple syrup, top with fresh fruit, add a dollop of peanut butter, mix in some granola… the sky’s the limit, and that’s why this particular cereal can really go the distance in any household. It has a mild flavor and a nice bit of crunch to it.
Next up, we had the Flax Plus Pumpkin Flax Granola, the Chia Plus Coconut Chia Granola, and the Qia Superfood (Chia, Buckwheat & Hemp Cereal).
With the craziness of the holidays, I haven’t found the time to taste-test each of these, but I wanted to review them based on their nutritional content—as well as their versatility.

Got to have organic milk in a glass bottle with your cereal! Also, reading the French side of the box counts as practicing French, right?
These granolas are made with awesome ingredients like rolled oats, dried coconut, chia seeds, brown rice flour, molasses, and more. The Coconut Chia Granola has some “natural flavor” to it, which isn’t my favorite (but also isn’t the worst ingredient you’ll find in traditional granolas and cereals!), but the Pumpkin Flax Granola contains ingredients you would probably already have in your kitchen.
And the Qia Superfood? The ingredient list is as follows: organic chia seeds, organic buckwheat groats, and organic hemp seeds. That’s my kind of ingredient list.
Even better, these last three products can really be made into so many more dishes. You can eat the granola as a snack, enjoy it with milk as breakfast cereal, mix it into cookies or breads, or even add it into something like No-Bake Spiced Cheesecake Bars. Yum!
The Qia Superfood actually has a list of ideas on the back of the package for what to do with it:
Enjoy as a breakfast cereal, hot or cold; or add to yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, or salads for an added boost.
I might have received all these products for free, but the opinions expressed here and in my past reviews are definitely my own—Nature’s Path kind of rocks.
OMG these are some of my very favorite cereals. Love nature’s path!
So good 🙂