Food & Fitness

Relaxation time

What? Didn’t we just get back to work and university after a very stress-free holiday? And I’m already thinking about relaxing?

Why yes I am. Regular work hours started again for me on Monday, but I haven’t even begun classes yet. This afternoon it will be back to the grind at university, but even then it shouldn’t be too stressful, considering it’s only three classes on Monday and Wednesday afternoons (I may or may not choose my courses based around the time slots). Not only that, but for the next five days my roommate will be out of province so I will likely have excessive amounts of time on my hands to sit at home and relax when I’m not working.

I’m going to take what I can get. You never know when your next relaxation moment will come up, so we’ve got to appreciate them when they’re around!

Not only that, but it’s important to not completely eliminate all that relaxing after having spent the past couple weeks sleeping in and reading novels. Just the same as you don’t want to suddenly cut out all added sugar if you’re used to eating a piece of cake and three cookies every day. Your body just won’t respond well to it. Therefore the only solution is to find a little time to indulge in some time set aside just for you.

One of my current favorites is a hot bath. Don’t underestimate the value of a hot bath! With all the lovely bath bombs and bubble bath that I received at Christmas, I am all set to sink into my big soaker tub once a week with a glass of wine (if I’m feeling classy) or a mug of tea (if I’m just plain cold- a much more likely scenario) and a good novel. Because I deserve it. And you do too.

Promise that once a week you’ll take some time for yourself? Even all you busy mums out there with kiddies? Share the ways you love to relax! Anyone else feel super luxurious and indulgent with a simple bath?

Damselblogger in Distress

I’m facing a bit of a problem with Feedburner and subscriptions to my site- if anyone knows how to switch the subscription from my Blogger site to this one at WordPress I would be incredibly grateful. Until then, I’ve got a subscription widget along the sidebar, so click on it to subscribe to Living Healthy in the Real World if you so desire! And hopefully that will work (if it doesn’t, again, would much appreciate it being alerted about any problems you have:)).


  1. rainmaniam


    Good for you and your relaxing methods. Bodies respond well to a good soaking. ๐Ÿ™‚

    As for your troubles with wordpress, there’s a plugin for feedburner which I suggest you use. You may also want to check with their site or google it since I’m sure you’re not the first to switch from blogger to wordpress. Good Luck

  2. Sagan Morrow

    Rainmaniam- thank you! I will have to look into that. I’m sure there’s a very simple way to do it…

    Sharon- as am I. And it feels so good:D

    Fitness Surfer- that would smell fantastic! An uninterrupted sleep is so refreshing. I gotta do something about my nightmares.

    VeggieGirl- very true. Mmm strength training.

    Mark & Eileen- yet we deprive ourselves of it too much! I guess most of the time we’re too focused on the busy-ness of life.

    Jack- definitely need to be singing along:)

    MizFit- even if it’s not flexible- it’s still important to get it in!

    FBG- that’s too funny! Hence why I take a book to the bath with me. If I let my thoughts wander, they’ll definitely start on the track of “crap I need to clean xyz”

    Dara- it’s the mentality thing again! It needs to be learned, I think. The first thing is to convince yourself that it’s okay to relax, and that it’s a good thing. It’s like when you were with Shape and had to learn to take care of yourself for your family rather than always putting them first and neglecting yourself!

    Strongandhealthy- for sure. I’m still so jealous of your holiday:)

  3. Fitness Surfer

    I was having nightmares, that would wake me up in a sweat. I even went to a sleep specialist. Mine were triggered by anxiety, which was part of my depression. I still get them when I’m stressed, or have unresolved issues playing in the brain =) Hope yours go away soon. I’ve been there, and after a while it can really wear you down.

  4. charlotte hilton andersen

    I can’t help you out with the feedburner thing – although I will say that they seem to have technical glitches on a fairly regular basis – but I love the reminder to get some R&R. I’m not a bath person but there’s nothing like a nice hot shower and then curling up under the blankets with a good book:)

  5. Sagan Morrow

    Caroline & Merry Mary- especially when there’s lots and lots of bath products involved:)

    Fitness Surfer- thanks for the info… hm, guess I should try to figure out what kind of unresolved issues I might have!

    Hangry Pants & Charlotte- hot showers is excellent too.

    Rupal- oh I will!

    TA- ooh fun! Can’t wait to hear how the planning goes.

  6. Dee

    I love the new look, and you look fabulous! A poster girl for healthy living, for sure ๐Ÿ™‚ I love hot baths, but I now try and incorporate a relaxation routine daily. Sometimes, I sit by the pool and day dream. Some nights I sit on the balcony with a glass of wine and count the stars. Sometimes I get a foot rub while watching brain candy on the idiot box. Nothing fancy, but I find that making time to relax every day helps me cope.

  7. Sagan Morrow

    Kelly- ooh yes, salts too! Loverly.

    Big Girl- that’s what I like to hear:)

    Scrumpy’s Baker- thankee!

    Dee- I’d be up for counting the stars if I could do it from some place warm. Ooh, sitting in front of a fireplace would sure be nice…

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