
Food & Fitness

The problem with calcium supplements

…is that they’re packed full of nasty ingredients.

I used to buy a container of calcium-magnesium powder, and that’s all that was in it – just your basic calcium and magnesium. The powder was great because I could mix it with water, add it to smoothies or put it into just about any dish I wanted.

However, that glorious line of powdered calcium has recently been discontinued. And now I cannot for the life of me find a decent source of calcium in drugstores or in health food stores.

The reason why I want a calcium supplement at all is that:

a) I’d like to decrease my intake of dairy products, and

b) calcium is a good, natural way to induce sleep.


Too much calcium can of course cause problems, which is why it’s important to be careful not to overdo it, but it’s also important to take a look at your diet and determine where you’re getting your calcium from to ensure that your bones stay strong. There are many non-dairy sources of calcium, as I wrote about earlier this week, but I also like having powdered calcium for those days when I don’t end up eating much of those particular foods.

These days, the only calcium magnesium supplements I can find in stores are liquid and tablet forms. If I could at least find calcium in capsule form, I could dump the powder from the capsule so as not to ingest the plastic part (because who wants to consume plastic?). But the liquid type has sweeteners added to it and the tablet form has binding agents. Not stuff I want to put in my body. It’s rather problematic.

I’m at a loss. Do you take calcium supplements? Do you know of a brand that sells calcium in powdered form, without other added ingredients? Share in the comments section below!


  1. Mary Anne in Kentucky

    I have not looked for powdered, but I’m getting fed up with the tablets I’m taking. They’ve recently changed the shape of their horse-pills, and I choke on them almost every time.

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