Style & Beauty

Design Your Style, Part 1: Identifying Your Look

As mentioned in my article on 2014 fashion predictions, we'll be doing a five-part mini-series here on defining and designing your style (on a budget!). How to Identify Your Fashion Personality & Personal Style 1) Pull out five of the outfits or articles of clothing that you wear most often…

Fashion Trends for 2014

What's going to be hot in 2014? Here, my predictions for what the new year will bring! Monochromatic outfits. One solid line from head to toe of the same colour - neutrals like black, grey, and white are common, but have some fun with it by going all-blue or all-green…

Five Steps to Beautiful Skin

My aesthetician recently inquired as to how I care for my skin - she was having some problems with hers and wanted to know how my skin remains clear after a treatment. Although I do happen to be blessed with good genes when it comes to my skin, there are…

How to get a festive look for the holidays

It's getting to be a festive time of year! Just in time for the holidays, some fun and classy ways to get in the holiday spirit and freshen up your look: 1) Add sparkle. Choose shiny jewelry and great statement pieces to draw attention to your look. Beautiful, eye-catching earrings…

Ten-second fix: body shapers

You found the perfect dress or shirt, but it's just a little too snug when you try it on. What can you do? Go for body shapers! What are body shapers? Body-shaping tights and other materials are just the thing you need to reduce "lumpiness" and get a more sleek…

Ten-second fix: Wear hats on bad-hair days

Sometimes your hair just doesn't do what you want it to do, or you need to give it a wash but don't have the time for it, or the weather is making it stick out all over the place. The fix? Wear a hat! Find a couple hats that look…

Book Review: A Girl’s Guide to Glamour

A Girl's Guide to Glamour by Sandra Deeble is a super cute little how-to book for incorporating more glamour into your life. "Glamour is a way of being," Deeble writes at the beginning of this guide. "Glamour comes from within... [it] has old-world, Hollywood screen goddess connotations." Everyone can use…

Ten-second boost: great earrings

One easy and excellent way to boost an outfit and make something that would otherwise look plain to looking fantastic is to jazz it up with a great pair of earrings!   How do you add instant style to your outfits? What's your go-to pair of earrings? Share in the…

Skin care for colder weather

As the weather gets colder and dryer, our skin can in turn get dried out and scaly - not very desirable! That's why, before the dry cold temperatures really kick in, we should act preemptively and protect our skin so that it can stay fresh and happy all winter long.…

Capris: from working out to going out

One of my favourite pairs of pants are some black, skin-tight, stretchy capris that I got for free from New Balance at a blogging conference a few years back (they might actually be these ones - or at least they are very similar). These capris are amazing for working out…