Posts by: Sagan Morrow

Local or organic?

A question I get asked a lot these days is, should I choose local or organic? The answer would likely be "both!" but sometimes you get one without the other, and then you have to make a decision. Which is the better option? First we should differentiate between the two.…

The Leanwashing Index

And the winner of the Carb Lovers Diet Cookbook is... Anne! Email me your mailing address and I'll make sure you get your copy. The Leanwashing Index is a newly-launched project by EnviroMedia Social Marketing to rate the rhetoric and health claims of various ads based on a set criteria.…

National Sleep Awareness Week

This week is National Sleep Awareness Week. As someone who routinely experiences loss of sleep, I think it's wonderful that there is a whole foundation devoted to increasing awareness about just how important sleep truly is. You can learn more about National Sleep Awareness Week by visiting the Sleep Foundation.…

Altar Boyz take the stage

I was delighted to be invited by the Prairie Theatre Exchange (PTE) to attend their latest performance, Altar Boyz last week. I've always adored the theatre and this cheery musical was incredibly well-done. Since I took drama lessons at the PTE when I was in high school, it has a…

March’s Nutrition Challenge: The Carb Lovers Diet

March was supposed to be the month for the Mediterranean diet, but since Mr Science isn't a huge fan of seafood, and I received a lovely book in the mail to review (The Carb Lovers Diet Cookbook), I decided to make my new cookbook the nutrition-challenge-of-the-month! This book includes recipes…

Student’s Guide to Health and Fitness

I'm at the Growing Local conference today and tomorrow (working and presenting!). If you're in Winnipeg, you should definitely check out our FREE presentation: Local Food 101! Hope to see you there :) Below is the poster for the presentation (click on it to enlarge), and below that is a…

What to do when you can’t hit the gym

This month my big plan was to make it to the gym once every couple of days and tone up really well. I kinda forgot how life can get in the way of such plans. February has been busier than I expected, what with a lot to do at the…

Sexualizing Food

This weekend my friend sent me a link to the video below. As someone who has had emotional issues related to food for years now, I found the video below to be a really wonderful examination of our culture, body image, and the way food is sexualized. Definitely watch the…

The Not-To-Do List

A couple weeks ago, someone at the office introduced me to the idea of the "Not-To-Do" list. Basically you write down all of your bad habits and time-suckers so that you can see them listed right there in front of you. Three of the items on my list, for example,…