Posts by: Sagan Morrow

Guest Post: Best Caesar Salad Ever

This is my first experience as a ‘guest blogger’, or blogger period for that matter and I’m honoured Sagan has asked me to fill in for her while she is away. I have been an avid cook for many years and I make almost of our meals at home. Until…

Goodbye for now!

This is it! Tomorrow I leave early in the morning for Ontario to visit my grandparents. On Wednesday, August 20th my plane departs for Rome (!!!); we'll be heading straight to Palermo, Sicily for 3 days. Then we'll take the train back to Rome for 5 days before staying in…

Love your body (and the deliciousness of fiber!)

I've talked before about different reality TV shows and specifically the show How To Look Good Naked. Last night was one of the rare occasions that I turned the TV on, and that show happened to be on. The woman in this episode was explaining her body image at the…

Granola Bars!

You knew they were coming.I got this granola bar recipe at Culinary in the Desert (Country?). I adapted it by reducing the amount of maple syrup to 2 tbsp, using PB2 for the peanut butter, eliminating both the oil and brown sugar, adding in 3/4 cup applesauce, and using Kashi…


I used to be one of the shyest girls in the world. I followed my sister around everywhere, barely spoke to anyone, and kept to myself a lot. One of my teachers in elementary school even exclaimed her astonishment to my mum one time when I actually laughed out loud…

Crackers Recipe!

On Sunday I was planning on going to the beach, but unfortunately that didn't quite work out. I was considering slugging through the day whining "woe is me!", but then decided that I'd be more productive and a good deal less annoying if I made crackers instead.I stumbled upon this…

Lists and Arms Exercise: Action!

More and more lately I have found myself becoming restless and a touch stir-crazy. During these summer months in between the school year, I really lack a proper routine. Working part-time has the benefit of leaving plenty of time for me to play, read and write, see friends, experiment with…