Food & Fitness

Love your body (and the deliciousness of fiber!)

I’ve talked before about different reality TV shows and specifically the show How To Look Good Naked. Last night was one of the rare occasions that I turned the TV on, and that show happened to be on. The woman in this episode was explaining her body image at the beginning of the show and she said that she hates her body so much that she wears tights year round and her husband hasn’t seen her naked in 5 years. She said that even when they have sex (which, she says, is not very often), she wears special tights so that her husband can’t see her body.

This saddened me beyond belief. That is some intense body hatred! Can you imagine not letting your husband see you in your underwear? It’s your husband, for goodness sake!

It reminded me of something I overheard recently. Two guys were discussing what their favourite parts about a woman are physically, and you know what they liked the best? The musculature- that is, seeing the muscle in a womans leg and such- and the curve of her stomach. That’s right. If you ask any woman what she likes least about her body, chances are that her tummy is going to be right up at the top there. Perspective is really an amazing thing.

While this show was on I saw a commercial for Fiber One cereal, in which the people in the commercial are talking about how fiber “doesn’t taste good” (the point being that they’ve found fiber that does taste good, in the form of this apparently heavenly cereal). That’s like saying “all fat is delicious!” or “man, I really hate vitamin C. I mean, the taste of that stuff? Yuck.”

Is it just me or are commercials getting more and more ridiculous every day? They don’t even make sense!

Moral of todays story: love your body. All of it. And eat up your fiber!


  1. Sagan Morrow

    Running Knitter & Mark- glad you enjoyed:)

    Bag Lady- Me too. I only seem to watch tv when I'm house sitting (I get excited when I see all those tons and tons of channels… and for some reason it surprises me every single time when theres absolutely nothing on!). And it seems as though the shows are becoming just as bad as those commercials!

  2. MizFit

    I love your title.

    and love the mixing of random stuff in posts as well.


    Im obviously braintired but those are my thoughts 🙂


  3. Sagan Morrow

    Dara- it’d be interesting if everyone went around parading what they believe to be their “flaws”… like trying to emphasize a “big” nose even more with make up and such, or wearing shirts that specifically show off arms that the person believes to be flabby. I mean if we were all CONFIDENT about these kinds of things that we believe to be flaws, I bet that other people would also think that these things about ourselves are beautiful! (Now why can’t they do that kind of study?:)).

    MizFit- yes, I do enjoy the random mixings with awkward segues! And 5 years is insane. The sad thing was how her husband kept buying her lingerie and being super supportive of her. Hardcore body image issues.

  4. Missicat

    Five years? That is sad! I knew a woman who wouldn’t take off her make up when she went to bed because she didn’t want her husband to see her without it. Guess she got up in the middle of the night and washed her face…
    and she was a very pretty lady – but a few years older then her husband, hence the insecurity.
    FOrtunately I have no flaws HAHAHAHAHAHA

  5. Charlotte

    Okay, I’m still stuck on trying to imagine what kind of “special tights” she could wear to still have sex. Eeek. And I totally agree with you about commercials!

  6. ashley

    I love your posts.

    I’m also still wondering about special tights..?

    That is very sad about the woman’s body confidence. I wonder what her husband thinks/does about it?

  7. Sagan Morrow

    Missicat- thats what I like to hear! And she never took off her make up? Wow. You'd think that after a while the hassle of wearing make up constantly would just get to you.

    Charlotte & Ashley- I'm wondering about those tights myself! Its not the kind of thing you see advertised for in stores.

    Robin & Veggiegirl- who comes up with these kinds of commercials, anyways? And how is it that they manage to work so well on us?!

    Cammy- so glad to hear you like your legs! Having good body image certainly makes for more happy and fun people.

  8. Dr. J

    I’ve been “amused” by many of the cereal commercials also! It would really be something if we all lived in the la-la world of TV commercials. Sort of a Mr. Rodger’s neighborhood on LSD 🙂

  9. Sagan Morrow

    Dee- I wonder the same thing. And then I remember that I get my hair cut and highlighted a few times a year and I go shopping for big Jackie O sunglasses and I read fashion magazines… I guess we’re all guilty in the end of not thinking for ourselves!

    Dr. J- Eek! That’s a scary thought:)

  10. WeightingGame

    no, it’s not just you – commercials are getting worse and more low-brow every freaking day. And that is so sad about the woman being so ashamed of herself that she stayed covered for five years from her hsuband. I have a butt issue (in that I don’t love to show it to my husband naked, full-on) but I could never just hide it from him. He loves it, anyway 😉

  11. WeightingGame

    no, it’s not just you – commercials are getting worse and more low-brow every freaking day. And that is so sad about the woman being so ashamed of herself that she stayed covered for five years from her hsuband. I have a butt issue (in that I don’t love to show it to my husband naked, full-on) but I could never just hide it from him. He loves it, anyway 😉

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