Food & Fitness

Be Flexible

Check out all of my previous HITT at Aspire Fitness blog posts:

Week One: HITT and the City

Week Two: Tracking Food and Exercise Online with Aspire Fitness

Week Three: Looking for the Ultimate Workout

Week Four: The HITT Diet Plan

Week Five: Seeking Motivation

Week Six: Resting Between Workouts


Physical flexibility of the body is one thing, but flexibility time-wise is a whole other kettle of fish. We’re busy people living in a busy society. We thrive off of busy-ness (and business. Hurray rhetoric!). This often means that we run out of time to do some of the things that we’d like to have as our priorities.

Aspire Fitness is a great gym, but there is one major problem: it is a 20- or 30-minute drive from my house (depending on the time in the morning and if I’m caught in rush hour or a construction zone). I’m used to Good Life Fitness being a 5-minute walk from my house. There are no buses that take me directly to Aspire Fitness. The nearest bus stop would let me off the bus at least a 30-minute walk from the gym itself, and there are no buses that go that way at 5:30am anyways. Biking would be insane at that hour of the day (for one thing, it would be dangerous in the dark; for another, it would be a hell of a long trip and I don’t think I’d be able to make it to work on time). Driving is my only option.

But I don’t own a car. The mother dear very kindly lets me borrow her car the evening before I have HITT workouts, which I then drop off at her condo before I head to work the next morning. However, the mother dear is also an incredibly busy person. Not only does she run her own business and practices veterinary medicine, she is also the provincial president of her women’s group, P.E.O. She has meetings all over the place.

I like being in bed by 10pm most evenings. Sometimes I’m asleep before that. If the mother dear has to go out of town in the evening for a P.E.O. meeting and won’t be back in Winnipeg until midnight, there’s no way that I want to drag myself out of bed to get the car from her place once she’s arrived back in the city. So if she’s going out of town, I don’t borrow the car – and that means that I miss my HITT class.

But that’s okay, because they are incredibly flexible at Aspire Fitness. If you can’t come one morning, Jason and Holly encourage us to come the next morning, or that evening, with one of the other HITT classes. There are HITT classes every day of the week. Their main concern is making sure that we get the workout that we want. I love that.

Being able to make up classes is wonderful. My HITT classes are supposed to be Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 6am, and Saturday mornings at 11am. It’s difficult for me to get the car on Saturday mornings (plus I often either have breakfast plans with the boyfriend or am working at the vet clinic on Saturdays), so I attend HITT on Friday mornings at 6am instead. I really like it, because the Friday morning HITT class is Level Two (my Tuesday/Thursday classes are both Level One). Friday mornings are killer with the tougher workout. As if it isn’t challenging enough on Tuesdays and Thursdays! But I like the extra challenge every Friday. It means that I’m pushing my body to the limits.

What do you do if you need miss a class? Do you make it up or do you skip it completely? How flexible are you with your time? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!

Eating Raw

I’ll touch on this again next week, but I felt like making a video last night (vlogs are kinda fun! I’ll improve with practice ;)). So, here goes: my little high-raw eating plan for seven days, starting today. I have chocolate chia pudding, raw apple crumble, salad with homemade dressing, apples, pineapple, and I’m planning on making green shakes and hot chocolate and cheezy zucchini rounds. I’m doing this to see if I can kick the emotional eating for seven whole days. More of that in the video below:

Sorry for the poor quality. The video is from my iPhone. Hence why the video is also not very wide.


  1. Yum Yucky

    Hey Sagan! So know your video has me thinking that I should at least TRY to go raw a ‘lil bit. Maybe start with a raw lunch for a few days? I need to shake my eating up a bit. I guess peanut butter and salad dressing doesn’t count as “raw”, huh? :/

    1. Sagan Morrow

      Definitely! There’s something nice about going raw – and if it’s cold outside or you want warm food, then you can always heat it up. I will actually use the microwave sometimes to heat up apple slices and top them with cinnamon… which most raw foodists would probably be horrified about… but it’s about what WORKS FOR YOU. And the main reason why I love eating raw is that it’s all REAL food. There’s no such thing as processed food when you’re eating raw!

      But I totally count peanut butter as “raw”, providing it’s all-natural. One step better would be to buy raw nuts and blend them in the food processor to make your own nut butter – which is super easy. I like doing that too. And salad dressing can be “raw” if you make it yourself (and use cold-pressed oil ;)).

      I think you’d get a kick out of trying to eat one meal raw each day. I find it refreshing, myself. Let me know if you need any ideas!

    1. Sagan Morrow

      You… you’ve never… really? How have we been friends this long and you haven’t had a dessert out of a margarita glass?!

      You’re coming over for dinner soon. Bring Katelyn. I’ll make you dessert in a margarita glass and you will see how glorious it is.

  2. Jody - Fit at 52

    I don’t do classes BUT if I miss a workout or I am going to miss one, I already an figuring out when I will make it up. 🙂 I am so like that… I start checking out the holiday closures way in advance so I can plan my workouts around that! 🙂

    I don’t think I can go raw but more power to ya! 😉 You do have me thinking though. Sometimes I have bought the raw veggie ting at my local health food store… I eat pretty much unprocessed food anyway whether I cook or not.

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