Ten-second fix: eliminate tangles & reduce static
Do you have trouble keeping your hair in line? If it gets tangled easily or attracts static constantly, these are two great tips for fixing that problem in no time.
1. Eliminate Tangles: Comb your hair with your fingers. This is good practice when you’re washing your hair as well as for dry hair. Use your fingers to gently tease out tangles before using a hair brush or comb. It will dramatically reduce pain from yanking out tangles with a brush, and it’s also a lot better for your hair to decrease the strain on it.
2. Reduce Static: Replace your brush with a comb. Hair brushes breed static! Simply exchanging a brush for a comb (after you’ve worked out any tangles with your fingers, of course) is an excellent practice and you’ll notice an immediate difference to the amount of static around your head.
Are you a comb convert? Does the finger-combing method work for you? Share your tips for eliminating tangles and reducing static in the comments below!