Food & Fitness

Guest Post: Insight on Nutrition for Runners

This is an article about healthy and correct diet options in general but with a more detailed insight on how rules apply for runners. The article is written by Miki, a passionate runner but also a person very attentive to her body and her diet. It’s dedicated to all those who may share the same passion but also for those who may want to start running in the near future and don’t know were to begin with. This can be a good start.

We swim in it, bath daily in it, we drink it and use it while doing dishes or laundry, but we don’t praise it enough. Water is the basic element of optimal health. It makes up about 60% of the body weight. The prevalence of water in our body is due to the fact that it creates the environment for the body. Serious dehydration can threaten life itself. This is why runners (sports dedicated people in general, moreover every person who sweats) should closely care for water intake.

Along with water, there are nutrients that we need to properly assimilate in order for our body to respond as we wish it to. For example a runner must never randomly compose the diet. Proteins, calcium, vitamins, carbs and good fats are daily required for a balanced, healthy and successful diet.

Carbohydrates provide our cells with fuel. The recommended range of carbohydrates varies from 45% to 65% from our energy resources. Consumption of whole grain products, fruits and vegetables is not wishful thinking. It is only the necessary step to take for a balanced diet with a safe base of carbohydrates.

Proteins are a must for those who want to gain physical endurance. For resistance and energy you should consume food that stimulates protein intake, such as fish, poultry, lean meat, grains, and beans.

Oil, fish, and nuts are necessary for the proper fat intake, as they don’t contain carbohydrates, but a certain kind of fats that boost our bodies, omega-3. It is desirable for a runner to consume around 3000mg of omega-3 on a daily basis.

Also, for those runners who established losing weight as main aim, there are certain products that are warmly recommended as they succeed in burning fats, thus accelerating the results. Oatmeal, yams, potatoes (white or red), brown rice, whole grain products, green fibrous vegetables, fresh fruit, nonfat dairy products, chicken and turkey breast, fish and shellfish and lean red meat are the foods that should build up the program. Of course, variety is important, but these are not restrictive foods. They actually allow the preparation of a wide range of tasty meals (and also bad fat-free).

Gathering sharp focus and specific attention to nutrition intake, you will acknowledge that less is more. Nutrition is not a playground, but it can be the biggest asset we have.

Also, vegans  should carefully investigate the implications of such a diet and how the body may react to vegan stimulants. Those who decide to turn vegan must not urge the body but ensure that the body can handle it first.

From my own experience as a runner I can tell you that the best way to choose the right healthy diet is to read and apply the ‘rules’ as your body demands. No matter what fitness activity you prefer (either it’s running, aerobic, cycling or any other sport) just make sure your diet takes count of the effort your body goes through every day.

This article is a guest post by Miki, writer for


  1. Danielle

    Thanks for the fantastic guest post. I was chatting with my boy the other day and he asked why I hadn’t gotten into running again at school, I used to love it so much. Gooood question 🙂 maybe if I fuel it correctly the transition won’t be too hard!

    On a side note, congrats on being invited to POM Wonderful! I’m so thrilled that so many of my favorite bloggers are able to experience such a “wonderful” opportunity. Enjoy, I look forward to the recap!

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