Food & Fitness

How to Menu-Plan

I weighed in yesterday morning at 3 lbs less than Saturday morning - go me! Nutrition is one of the most important things we can improve upon when we want to get healthier and/or lose weight. And good nutrition means planning menus. I love planning menus but got rather bad…

Year-long Goals

Today marks the second day of my month-long detox. Fun stuff! Over the past month or so, while I've been travelling around New York and finishing up at an old job and beginning a new job and indulging in holiday pleasures, I've been thinking about what I want to achieve…

January’s Nutrition Challenge: Detox

Hello friends! I am home from NYC and back at last to the blogging world. I fully intended to blog all last week, but Mr. Science and I arrived home from New York late on Sunday night (the 18th), and then I was awake at 7am to begin my first…

Short Circuit Fitness

Exercises to do anywhere, anytime (almost) The holiday season is generally very busy, but you can still squeeze in a few exercises! Here are some of my favourites (no gym equipment required): 1) Jumping jacks. Rev up the heart rate by doing four sets of 25 jumping jacks. Take a…

Taking a Holiday

Hello all! Today Mr. Science and I are going on holiday for 10 days to NYC. Hurray! During this time I'll be far away from the computer, however I have some blog posts scheduled for next week to keep everyone occupied while I'm gone :) Taking a vacation and getting…

An easy fix for wilted plants

Fun tip of the day! Did you know that... Tap water often contains chlorine, which can be damaging to plants? It's true! The chlorine in water isn't the best thing for your house plants, but there's a simple fix to rescue them if they are started to look a little…

Plan 2 Bee

Review of the Plan 2 Bee personal planner/organizer notebook I was lucky to have received this planner as a review product from Lisa Casler, the brains behind Plan 2 Bee. What is Plan 2 Bee? It's a pretty darn adorable daily organizer, that's what it is :) I really like…