Food & Fitness

My first nutrition consultation

It seems years and years ago when I first met Nicole and we had our nutrition consults. She was my nutritionist. Then she became my friend. And then we started The Food Label Movement together. Thanks to Nicole, I found out how I could take courses and get my own…

Adventures in Toronto

My trip last week was awesome. It was great to see the sistertraveller and my grandparents again, and it was so much fun to have a whole weekend to spend with the sistertraveller, mother dear and godmother dear! My grandparents live in a lovely little beach town just a couple…

The job hunt

Freelancing is tough work - mostly because you never know where your next paycheque will come from. I've been very lucky this past year to have two long-term contracts (one was a year long and the other was four months), with a nice peppering of smaller two-day types of jobs…

Sharing fruit and promoting healthy living

Today I'm leaving for Toronto! It's going to be a busy five days: Today I fly out to Toronto, meet up with the sistertraveller (she's doing her Masters there in political theory), and then we're driving to the town our grandparents live in. Thursday we spend the day with our…

Healthified lasagna and a dinner party menu

Earlier in September, Mr. Science and I hosted a dinner party (because dinner parties are awesome!) and we made a delicious healthified lasagna, proving that even the tastiest and most indulgent of comfort foods can be pumped full of nutrition and still taste fantastic. To healthify lasagna, all you need…

Recipe for beet tartare

The mother dear gave me two enormous beets about a week ago, that a client had given to her from her own garden. I didn't know that beets could get so large! Since it was her birthday on Saturday (one week after mine---happy birthday mother dear!), I decided to make…

Planning meals

When you're living alone, it's very easy to let meal-planning fall by the wayside. It's easy to just have a bowl of cereal or a sandwich for dinner, or to pick up something ready-made from a deli or cafe. But when we do that, we're often compromising our health and…