Food & Fitness

Learning confidence

A couple years ago, the sistertraveller and I were sitting on the floor of our apartment on New Year's Eve, wondering if anyone was actually going to show up to the party we were throwing*. While we waited, somewhat nervously, we talked about (what else?) New Year's resolutions. Neither of…

Smart ways to save on electricity

We all know that it's important to conserve energy, but sometimes we don't really think about all of the little things that we can do to conserve energy and save on electricity. The notion of Earth Day (in April) is great, but unfortunately I think that a lot of people…

How you can get involved to improve food labels

Last week I shared with you all the very exciting project that I'm a co-organizer for: The Food Label Movement. Read last week's article to find out more information about what the consumer advocacy group is all about. This week, I want to let you know how you can get involved…

Will you participate in the Commuter Challenge?

Are you participating in the Commuter Challenge? From June 5 to 11 it's Environment Week in Canada, and the challenge is to walk, bike, roller blade, run or skip your way to work (or any other form of transportation which is good to the environment and healthy for your body!).…

The Food Label Movement: relaunched

For all you bloggers out there, you may have noticed lately that I haven't been commenting on blogs nearly as much as I used to. A few of you have even asked me if I'm still reading your blogs. The answer is yes. Not as regularly as before, but I…

Foods rich in antioxidants

Although I know a fair amount about nutrition and general health and well-being, my knowledge of the chemistry behind it all is rather lacking. That's why I asked Mr. Science (aka the boyfriend) to share his scientific knowledge of antioxidants with us last week. Antioxidants are talked about a lot,…

The role of oxidants and antioxidants in health

I am delighted to share this guest post with you all, written by the boyfriend! He has a background in biology and geography and is excellent at understanding and explaining science. Today he's written this article to give us some information of exactly what's going on with free radicals and…

FitBloggin 2011 recap

Everyone at FitBloggin' was seriously amazing. I can't believe how nice and sweet everyone was. Bloggers are awesome! Kerry and Sean were some of the first friends that I made on Thursday night. Jenn and I quickly bonded over our shared affection for Charlotte, rainy walks and bookstores :) Friday…

Generating good karma

I am exhausted from the conference this weekend, but oh my goodness it was amazing!!! I had the best time ever and will be posting a re-cap of FitBloggin' later this week for everyone who wasn't able to make it and also to share some awesome new blogs for you…

At FitBloggin’!

I'm at FitBloggin'. Listening to sessions, participating in fun fitness activities and meeting awesome bloggers. So I'm taking the day off blogging. Send me a message if you're in Baltimore so we can meet up :) Hope you all have a lovely long weekend!