Food & Fitness

Product Review: Easy Diet Labels

Steven of Easy Diet Labels kindly sent me some of his stickers to review a couple of weeks ago, and I have been enjoying slapping the stickers on food products all over my kitchen ever since. A bag of frozen tofu got the "Great choice" sticker. A carton of free-range eggs…

Portion Distortion

One of the fun new toys that I received as a house-warming gift was a digital kitchen scale. Squee! I've always wanted one of them. I like being able to measure out food gram for gram. This will also make life much easier when trying to cook from a Nigella…

Misleading health claims

Nutrition labels and information on ingredients for food products is probably one of my most passionate interests within the field of nutrition. I even wrote a feature piece about the misleading claims on food products for a newspaper last year. So when Andrea from POM Wonderful contacted me about how…

Product Review: Miracle Skin Transformer

Don't forget to answer this month's poll about sunscreen! I use moisturizer daily, so when I was offered the opportunity to try out this product before it has even been released to the public, I was all too eager to do so. Disclaimer: I received the sample for free and…

Poll: Do you wear sunscreen?

Last month's poll In our last poll, we discussed our particular exercise styles. With 40 total voters, 55% prefer to exercise solo, 5% like exercising in group situations the best, 37.5% like a combination of exercising by themselves and with others, and 2.5% don't exercise. Glad to see that only…

Life Lessons: A Reflection on Passions

Because it was Canada Day on Thursday, I was able to score a four-day weekend. It was wonderful to have four lovely long days to myself, especially because the weather was beautiful. With the boyfriend out of town doing fieldwork, I occupied my time with plenty of writing. I have…