
Food & Fitness

The Thirty Days of Yoga Challenge

Yesterday was my last day of university classes. Forever (or at least, until I decide to return to university to turn my Rhetoric degree into a double major with the Classics department). I just have a couple of papers to write and 2 exams towards the end of April, and…

The Living Healthy in the Real World Guide to Budgeting

It's time for another mini-series! As the possession date for my condo looms ever closer (mid-April! Right in the middle of exams! I'm, um, all about the timing ;)), I find myself feeling the tightening on my wallet. But just because I have to count my pennies, doesn't mean I…

Product Review: Yumpeez

When Margaret first contacted me about Yumpeez, I was excited for two reasons: first, this snack is made right here in Manitoba, and second, I got to receive samples of Yumpeez to review in person rather than getting the samples mailed to me. It was so lovely to be able to…

Living Healthy in Videos

My previous attempts to post videos have failed miserably. Maybe my camera isn't compatible with WordPress, or maybe I'm just not technologically savvy at all, but in any case, my blogging has been strictly of the linguistic text variety with the occasional photograph. No videos to speak of around here.…

Health Writer Eats

On February 1st, after my month-long Raw Food Challenge in which I posted my food intake for every single day of January, I started a brand new food blog: Health Writer Eats* (Amusingly enough, the awesome Mary started a food blog on February 1st, too! And hers includes pretty photographs).…

Disordered and Emotional Eating

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week was from February 21st to 27th. I missed it. Well, no: I didn't really miss it. I only found out that it was National Eating Disorders Awareness Week very last-minute, and I already had our Grocery Shopping mini-series set up, so I postponed discussing eating…