Food & Fitness

Day 29 of the 200 Reps Challenge

20 Inner Thigh Lying Abductor Raises (targets the inner thighs) 20 Stability Ball Pikes (targets the abs and shoulders) Perform this set ten times for a total of 200 Inner Thigh Lying Abductor Raises and 200 Stability Ball Pikes! For the Inner Thigh Lying Abductor Raises: 1. Lie on a…

Perspective Adjustment

And the winner of the Musselman's Applesauce Holiday Giftbasket is... Mary! She of the comment: My son, who is working on his master’s degree in anatomy, says that applesauce is the perfect pre and post workout food since it has simple carbs and natural sugar. It is my plan to…

Day 27 of the 200 Reps Challenge

20 Contralateral Limb Raises (targets the back, butt/hips, and shoulders) 20 Plank with Knee Raise (targets the abs) Perform this set ten times for a total of 200 Contralateral Limb Raises and 200 Planks with Knee Raises! For the Contralateral Limb Raises: 1. Lie flat on your stomach on a…

Day 26 of the 200 Reps Challenge

20 Leg Presses (targets the glutes, quads, and hamstrings) 20 Pike Presses (targets the shoulders) Perform this set ten times for a total of 200 Leg Presses and 200 Pike Presses! For the Leg Presses: 1. Lie on your back on a mat, bringing your knees up to your chest…

Merry Christmas!

I hope that everyone is having a lovely holiday, regardless of whether you're celebrating Christmas! This year I've had a tough time getting really excited about Christmas. The sisterroommate, as most of you know, is travelling and living in Cambodia right now with the father dear. While the father dear…

Day 24 of the 200 Reps Challenge

20 Outer Thigh Lying Abductor Raises (targets the glutes and outer thigh muscles) 20 Seated Dumbbell Trunk Rotations (targets the rectus abdominus and transverse abdominus) Perform this set ten times for a total of 200 Outer Thigh Lying Abductor Raises and 200 Seated Dumbbell Trunk Rotations! For the Outer Thigh…

Confessions of a Wannabe Winter Cyclist

Don't forget to enter my Holiday Giftbasket Giveaway! (Non-)Winterized Biking Up until a few weeks ago, I was still biking to and from work every day. Through snow and wind and -25 degrees, Harriette and I kept on truckin'. I wrapped myself up warm in long johns and scarves and…

Day 22 of the 200 Reps Challenge

20 Nose Breakers (targets the triceps) 20 Sumo Squats (targets the quads, glutes, inner thigh muscles, and hamstrings) Perform this set ten times for a total of 200 Nose Breakers and 200 Sumo Squats! For the Nose Breakers: 1. Lie down on your back on a bench with your feet…

Product Review and Giveaway: Musselman’s Applesauce

Musselman's recently sent me some more applesauce to taste-test! I was only too happy to oblige. They gave me two kinds: Natural Unsweetened (ingredients: apples, water and ascorbic acid), and Chunky (ingredients: apples, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, water, lemon juice and cinnamon. Ascorbic acid added to maintain colour).…

Day 20 of the 200 Reps Challenge

25 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts (targets glutes and hamstrings) 25-second-hold of the Plank (targets core) Perform this set eight times for a total of 200 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts and 200 seconds worth of Planks! Optional: Perform the deadlifts in sets, but perform the plank all at once (or for longer periods of time…