Food & Fitness

Guest Post: The Transformation to a Warped Body Image

This post was contributed by Nicole White, who writes about masters of health care degree. She welcomes your feedback at Nicole.White222 at  After graduating from college Nicole started freelancing and writing for online education sites.  She has a particular interest in living a healthy and happy lifestyle and loves…

Difficulties with these Challenges

In response to my previous post about the Run A Race This Summer Challenge, I got a lot of questions about variations of running or the time frame and so on. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss the adaptability of my health challenges (or any challenges, for that matter).…

The Run-A-Race-This-Summer Challenge

Ouch ouch ouch. My body is sore. I have been treating my body to a variety of activities that it isn't accustomed to. On Friday morning, a mere six hours after I arrived home from Cambodia, I was pumped full of energy and incredibly antsy from having done nothing except…

How much food is just right?

This is a question that seems to circulate around and around our heads day after day without any clear answer. Look all over the Internet and you'll find hundreds of calculators to determine basal metabolic rate and what our calorie allowance can be if we do x amount of exercise.…

Guest Post: Yoga for Life

Hi Living Healthy readers!  My name is Maggie and I'm so glad Sagan let me do a guest post.  I blog about lots of random things (yoga, health, fitness, food, recipes) over at Say Yes to Salad but today I'm going to talk more about yoga. Yoga has been a…

Fit Travels

Health isn't something that we should ever neglect, even when life starts to get really chaotic. If our health is really important to us, then there are no real excuses why we shouldn't be able to maintain good health even when life turns into an obstacle course on us. So for the…