Food & Fitness

Interview with Tosca Reno

You've read the review for her book, now its time to ask the author herself some questions! Tosca Reno was kind enough to agree to an interview with me, so here it is. Enjoy!1. Your whole philosophy is eating clean, but sometimes its difficult to judge exactly what clean eating…

It’s All In Your Head

I love the idea of an icy cold Coke. The commercials really do it for me; the way the liquid splashes into the glass and wraps around the ice cubes. There's such satisfaction when the drinker quenches their thirst, relishing in the sweetness and smooth, delightfully fizzy taste of Coca…

Wanderlust is content and the travel bug is fed

I'm home at last from my travels and back in blogging business! That was an incredibly long vacation- gone for a full 22 days, between first stopping to see my grandparents in Ontario and then from there going to Italy. By the end of it, we were all in agreement…

Sagan will be back soon!

Hello all,I am picking up Sagan late tomorrow night when she returns from her trip to Italy and I will be returning this blog to its rightful owner. Thank you for responding to my posts. As a first time blogger it has been an interesting, enjoyable and informative experience. I…

Guest Post: Unusual Food Stories

At one time or another all of us have been in a situation where we either voluntarily, or are forced because of the expectations of the social situation, try a food or drink that is a ‘challenge to the palate’. Sagan recalls a family trip we all made to the…

Guest Post: Growing Herbs

We live in a south-facing condo in downtown Winnipeg. Fortunately we have a very large balcony that has permitted me to put out a half dozen large clay pots in which I planted herb seedlings including basil, oregano, thyme, dill, sage and Italian parsley. These are the herbs we use…

Guest Post: Best Caesar Salad Ever

This is my first experience as a ‘guest blogger’, or blogger period for that matter and I’m honoured Sagan has asked me to fill in for her while she is away. I have been an avid cook for many years and I make almost of our meals at home. Until…

Goodbye for now!

This is it! Tomorrow I leave early in the morning for Ontario to visit my grandparents. On Wednesday, August 20th my plane departs for Rome (!!!); we'll be heading straight to Palermo, Sicily for 3 days. Then we'll take the train back to Rome for 5 days before staying in…