Food & Fitness

Judgments Based on First Impressions

It’s really funny to see people’s reactions when you change from this:

…to this:

Oh my goodness is that a brunette?!

Reactions have ranged from the complimentary “That’s a nice change, you look better as a brunette” to “oh, that’s… different…” (said in a high-pitched tone which really means “oh my God what have you done that was a terrible idea!”). I’m getting a good laugh out of it.

Being super blonde was too high maintenance. So earlier this week I asked my hair stylist to dye my hair the same colour as my roots. Apparently, this is my natural hair colour. I had no idea. I thought I was in the blondeish-light brown category. Nope!

Although the main reason for the colour change was to go back to my “natural” colour, I’m also seeing this as a great social experiment. I’m curious as to whether I’m taken more seriously as a brunette than a blonde. We can’t help but make assumptions about people based on their looks, and I know that there have been times I wasn’t taken seriously partially because I was blonde. So this will be fun to see if there are any changes in people’s attitudes.

Why am I talking about hair colour here? Who really cares? Well, apparently a lot of people do: according to a 2006 study published in the Psychology of Women Quarterly, resume applicants were “rated more capable and were assigned a higher salary when depicted with brunette hair color”. It’s easy to make assumptions based upon stereotypes, and even if we’re aware of the stereotypes and aware that there isn’t any factual evidence to support the stereotypes (for example, the “dumb blonde” stereotype), we still have difficulty in viewing blondes on the same caliber as brunettes.

Furthermore, when it comes to judgment and appearance:

– 83% of consumers believe that personal appearance is key to professional success, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

– The Social Issues Research Centre found that 55% of people’s initial impression of you is based on your appearance and body language

– The current media height/weight ideal is achievable by less than 5% of the female population

– 81% of 10-year-old girls in America have already dieted at least once and at least 80% of women over the age of 18 are unhappy with what they see in the mirror.

This is saddening. Can we break out of this? I think we should try. The big issue is: how?

I was blonde for such a long time because I felt like a blonde. It felt right. I was comfortable with it. But just recently I decided it was time to go back to my roots (quite literally), and this too feels right. That is what we should be doing: asking ourselves what feels right and why it feels right, and then enacting that right-ness. And doing our best, as always, to be aware when we find ourselves making judgments based upon stereotypes so that we can try to adopt a more objective point of view.

What do you think?

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for POM juice– you have THREE chances to win!


  1. MizFit

    I love it!

    I did the same social experiment accidentally once—but since I had to pretty much shave my head to remove the dredlocks and THEN dyed it blondBLOND it was a mixture of blondlooks and WHY IS THAT WOMANS HAIR SO SHORT?! 🙂 looks…

    not a great experiment.

  2. balancejoyanddelicias

    you look more mature (and sexier? ) as a brunette! I hope you don’t take it as judgmental comment, it’s just first impression. I know it’s hard not to be judgmental to people that we don’t know. But as I know you (a little bit) I know your hair color won’t change your personality and ideas. However, the rest 99% people who meets you have no idea of you and will judge you by appearance. It’s unfortunate but it’s what it is. We can’t change that but act accordingly.

    I also like to idea of to do what we feels right and don’t rationalize it too much! 😉

  3. South Beach Steve

    I think your hair looks great. It will be interesting to see if you get different reactions from people over time. I am sure there will be an update here, although it might be hard for you to totally separate reality from perception if the difference isn’t large.

  4. The Candid RD

    Wow, I love the hair! I really just like change in general, so any color would have been liked by me, but your hair really does look great.

    It’s sad that our society revolves around looks, but I think it’s hard to change that. As long as we have fashion magazines, Hollywood, Fashion shows, and so many of the other “looks centered” things that go on, we will be a society obsessed with how we look. That’s the bottom line. It won’t ever change. I hate to sound like a negative Nancy, but it’s true 🙁 We just gotta deal with it and make sure we are happy with who we are and what we are.

  5. the Bag Lady

    Traitor!! 😀

    Now I shall be forced to defend against the stereotype of “dumb blonde” single-handedly!


    Kidding, really!

    You look great, and I’ll be interested to find out if you think people’s perceptions of you are different with a different hair colour.

  6. Dr. J

    Well it’s true that when I wear my blond Harpo Marx wig at Halloween people take me much less seriously, Beep-Beep!! 🙂

    I was a blond haired-blue eyed baby! I’ve won some photo contests with the “guess who’s baby picture this is,” because of that! I like to say, I am a blond underneath. Maybe you will feel that also 🙂

  7. Heather Eats Almond Butter

    You look hot.

    I love changing my hair color, and I can’t decide if I prefer being a blond or brunette. I always had blond hair growing up, but sometimes I love that I can have a totally different look whenever I want.

    I’ve never been treated differently b/c of my hair color, but I noticed a huge difference in people’s attitude towards me after I lost weight.

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