
Food & Fitness

Moving Update

I had intended on writing a post for today to complete our Budgeting mini-series, but I was so busy this weekend with packing up boxes that I didn’t have time for it. I didn’t even have time to go for a walk yesterday, so that really tells you just how busy I was 😉 We should be able to resume with our Living Healthy in the Real World Guide to Budgeting on Wednesday, however!

Today is Moving Day, so I am hoping that it all goes smoothly. Here’s a taste of what my weekend was like:


– Go out for breakfast with the boyfriend

– Pack boxes for a few hours

– Bring boxes up from the basement storage unit (this took nearly an hour)

– Pack more boxes until around 6pm

– Take the evening off so the boyfriend can make me dinner (aww!)


– Pack boxes for a couple hours

– Get more boxes from the U-Haul place with the mother dear

– Pack more boxes for a couple hours while the mother dear dusts and vacuums my new condo

– Mother dear arrives to help pack more boxes for a few hours

– Take my food and a couple fragile items over to the condo

– Go out for dinner with the mother dear

– Arrive home to finish packing boxes, taking apart desks, and stacking the boxes up neatly in the living room and hallways with the mother dear for a couple hours

I honestly had no idea it would be so intense to pack up my apartment. A few people had offered to help me pack up my things, but I figured I’d be able to do it myself- I can’t imagine, however, how I possibly would have gotten it all done if the mother dear hadn’t helped me for virtually the entire day yesterday! Thank goodness for the mother dear.

How was your weekend?


  1. Danielle

    Good luck with packing and moving! I’m glad to hear that you at least had nice boyfriend and mother dear breaks. Such things can sometimes be more therapeutic than a walk… though I hope you get those back soon too! My weekend was beyond spectacular, I just hope I have time to blog about it 🙂

  2. Sagan Morrow

    Thanks all!

    Bag Lady- Yes, I’ll take photos and share them. Eventually. When I have a couch. And when some of these boxes are out of the way. It might be a few months from now 😉

    Tracey- EXHAUSTED. It’s a good thing the combination of stress and excitement are keeping me going. I don’t really know WHY I thought it would be a good idea to move right in the middle of exams… ah well. There’s never really a “good time” for it, is there? Might as well just get it all over with at the same time!

    Cammy- It’s the only exercise I’ve been getting. Back and arms are SORE. I miss long walks though!

    Andrea- It’s disgusting how much stuff I’ve got. And kind of embarrassing how many boxes it took me to pack up my kitchen… hehe.

  3. Dr. J

    I think it might be the U-Haul trucks with the slogan, “Moving is an adventure,” emblazoned on the side. I don’t know if you feel this way yet, Sagan, but moving is one adventure I don’t want to experience too often 🙂

  4. Sagan Morrow

    Ashley- That’s what I’m counting on 😉

    Geosomin- RIDICULOUS how many things I have. But yes- very exciting!

    Mimi- Surprisingly, I haven’t! I don’t really care much about “stuff”. The things that I found in storage were more a nuisance than anything else… mostly things I thought I’d gotten rid of and now have to find someone to pawn them off to, hehe.

    Love2eatinpa- Right now I think I’m just a bundle of nervous energy in human form. I’m relying on that to keep me going!

    Dr. J- DEFINITELY not an adventure I’d want to experience too often! I’m all about the adventuring, but this kind is a little bit much 😉

  5. anony-mum

    wow, you may want to nominate your mother dear for a “mother-of-the-year” award.
    Word on the street is she might also be up for “boss-of-the-year” as well?

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