Food & Fitness

Nutrition Labels

Not too long ago I was explaining to someone how to read nutrition labels, and had to detail how the process works so that they could understand what the % Daily Value and everything means. When I first started becoming interested in nutrition, I mostly had to figure out how to break down the nutrition label on my own, and I’ve been doing it now for such a long time that I’ve really started to take it for granted. In January when my nutrition class began, one of the first things we learned was how to read nutrition labels. It felt like such a basic step at the time because I can’t imagine not reading nutrition labels, but its also a very crucial step. I forgot just how many people might not be aware of how to read them. After all, if everyone did know how to read them and used their knowledge each time they went shopping, I’m sure that the market for produce and natural foods would skyrocket and the market for processed junk would plummet. That’s not to say it would fall apart completely, but I’m sure that it would take a really big hit if we all really attended to the nutrition information of our food and understood what it all means.

If you don’t read nutrition labels but are interested in learning how to understand them, or if you do read nutrition labels but want a quick refresher (from my experience, it always pays to learn things a second or third time around- you nearly always miss out on something the first time!), then just click here! Trusty Health Canada explains it all so you can be a savvy nutrition label reader within minutes.

The other part about foods we eat that is critical to examine is the ingredients list. After looking around a bit, I found this site which offers an explanation behind some of the different ingredients added to foods and if you scroll to the bottom of the page, there’s a handy chart to determine exactly what each additive does and their various names. What with all of the different names for ingredients, its as though the food companies are deliberately trying to confuse the consumers! (Oh wait. They are).

If you’ve found all this to intrigue you and want to learn more, check out BrandAid– I’m a huge huge fan. There’s so much more to learn about!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend and get outside to enjoy these sunny summer days:)


  1. Gena

    >its as though the food companies are deliberately trying to confuse the consumers! (Oh wait. They are).

    So true! Hence the use of several names for the same substance. I’ll definitely be checking those links; we could probably all use a refresher in how to read labels and pick the best foods for us.

    I might have missed it, but have you read “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by Barbara Kingsolver? I just finished it and it was wonderful. She makes a very compelling case for local food sources and eating in season. I’m taking bits of it to heart and making changes in how we eat.

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