Food & Fitness

The Butter Experiment!

Firstly, to all of you bloggers (especially Workout Mommy, MizFit, Scrumpy’s Baker, and Jay), thank you so much for the many posts that you’ve been writing recently which have encouraged/guilted me into going out and exercising. I’m not sure if I would’ve dragged myself out the door to go for a run yesterday if it hadn’t been for some of your blog posts!

And now: this week my big project was to tackle the process of making my own butter. I went out and bought myself a small container of whipping cream and then plopped it in the food processor and processed it for half an hour, vaguely following the suggestions of a recipe I found on the Internet. And- it worked!!! The cream went all sloshy and gradually became more and more firm just like the recipe said (after I managed to finally get the different parts of the food processor attached properly… which involved a lot of pouring the whipping cream back and forth into the container and re-adjusting the equipment. But at least there wasn’t cream splattering all across the kitchen cupboards this time!).

The next step was to drain the buttermilk, so I attempted this but there was very little to drain. I’m not sure if that was a result of over- or under-whipping the cream. Then I had to pour cold water into it and process it some more, draining it in between, until the water ran somewhat clear. After that I dumped the cream (it looked like the whipped butter you get in restaurants with the bread basket) into a bowl and mashed it over and over, squeezing out the last bits of water. The recipe suggested using two forks or a potato masher to squeeze out the water, and I used a potato masher which worked really well (potato mashers are also good for mashing bananas for making banana bread, by the way… I am very fond of my potato mashers).

Finally, I got out a large sheet of waxed paper and rolled up the butter in that and then stuck it in the fridge. After it had been in the fridge for a few hours it became hard and lost its whipped consistency, and turned a more white-ish colour. It kind of reminds me more of lard or shortening in its appearance than anything else. But it’s actually really good! It doesn’t have a whole lot of flavour because I didn’t add salt or anything, but the texture is just right and it slices very nicely. I tried it on a slice of bread and it was delicious. I also experimented with using it in baking to make biscuits, and it worked perfectly! And after all, that was the main reason I wanted to make the butter, was to use it for cooking and baking purposes.

I am very pleased with my butter-making results! It was an exciting if lengthy process (it probably took over an hour to mix it up in the food processor and then to wash it and then to squeeze the water out). The recipe also said not to use any cream with stabilizers but the only one I could find has carrageenan in it. Does anyone happen to know why its better to use cream without stabilizers?

If you’re a little crazy like me and would like to learn how to make butter for your own amusement, let me know and I’ll send you the recipe that I followed. Warning! It’s a nuisance to clean up afterwards. Everything gets all greasy (naturally, as it is butter we’re working with), but I just soaked everything for hours on end before I even attempted to clean all of the dishes and equipment and that helped a lot. I need to a figure out a way to be more efficient with the clean-up process of my cooking projects… somehow, I always use about 3 more bowls than is necessary and countless pieces of cutlery on top of various other kitchen equipment (not including the bits of ingredients that are adventurous enough to soar all across the kitchen while I mix and measure). But, it’s all in the name of fun and experimentation! A worthy cause indeed.


  1. Charlotte

    I remember making my own butter as a kid in grade school (I believe it involved a baby food jar and a LOT of shaking). I remember it tasted really good though! Kudos for trying something new!

    And hey – if you need new workout ideas, I’m starting the Action Hero Workout on Monday! You know you want to do it with me:)

  2. Sagan Morrow

    Charlotte I will absolutely sign up for the Action Hero Workout (with a name like that, how could I not?!). And that’s cool that you got to make it when you were a kid- I wish we’d done things like that in grade school!

  3. the Bag Lady

    Sagan – making butter in a jar involves far less clean-up, but a lot more muscle-power (could even be considered a work-out!).
    As to your cleaning up afterwards, here’s a tip or two. Fill your sink with really hot water and dishsoap before you start your project. As you finish with something, wash it, or at least put it in the sink to soak. If you clean up as you go, it makes the clean up at the end much faster.

    If you aren’t sure of the size of the bowl you will need, consider the ingredients in your recipe. If you are using a recipe that calls for large quantities of ingredients, start with your largest bowl. In the case of something like whipping cream, also start with your largest bowl, even if it’s only a small amount of cream to be whipped.
    On, another tip for whipping cream? Make sure you chill your bowl, AND the beaters! The colder your implements, the faster the whipping goes.
    But you probably already know all that.

  4. Susan

    Yay! Glad your experiment went well! 🙂 It’s fun trying new recipes, isn’t it?

    I’m not sure why the recipe recommended avoiding stabilizers in the cream. Is it a health issue? I know that carrageenan (one of those stabilizers) is a thickening agent. It’s similar to gelatin and is used as an additive in other foods. I’m not sure how this would affect the butter, as I’ve seen recipes that don’t mention avoiding it. Hmmm… vehhhly intelesting…

  5. Gena

    Impressive! I inherited an old butter churn from my Grandma. I’m thinking the food processor is much faster than turning the crank on that churn by hand!

    I am very temped to try this, and would love your recipe/notes.

  6. Sagan Morrow

    Bag Lady- I did know about keeping the bowl cold for whipping cream (but only found that out recently, I must confess). And when it comes to using the biggest bowl I’ve got, that kind of logic doesn’t seem to work for me. I always misjudge the sizing. But next time I will use a really big bowl! Thanks for the tips.

    Ashley and MizFit- Shoot! I didn’t think to take pictures of the process. But I will take a picture of the finished product and post it (and the next recipe I make, I will be sure to photograph the various stages!).

    Running Knitter- if only I could extend the daring-ness to something like bungie jumping… 🙂

    Susan- it IS lots of fun! And that whole stabilizer thing confused me, too.

    Gena- You are so lucky to have a butter churn! I’m going to have to go on a search for one. I will either post the recipe or else e-mail it to you soon!

  7. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  8. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  9. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  10. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  11. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  12. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  13. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  14. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  15. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  16. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  17. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  18. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  19. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  20. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  21. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  22. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  23. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  24. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  25. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  26. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  27. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  28. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  29. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  30. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  31. Scrumpy's Baker

    You need to watch the I Love Lucy episode “Pioneer Women” Ethel tries to make her own butter and has some disappointing results. 🙂

    I love that you made your own! Speaking as someone who makes her own marshmallows, I completely understand the thrill of it all, despite the mess.

  32. Sagan Morrow

    Scrumpy’s Baker- That sounds like a very cute episode. And you make your own marshmallows?! Oooh ooh please share the recipe! I’m dying to know how you do it!

  33. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  34. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  35. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  36. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  37. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  38. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  39. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  40. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  41. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  42. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  43. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  44. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  45. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  46. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  47. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  48. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  49. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  50. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  51. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  52. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  53. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  54. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  55. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  56. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

  57. Scrumpy's Baker

    Sagan – I’ve tried a couple, but really like the Barefoot Contessa’s. I use my standing mixer, I think doing it any other way may not really be possible. But they are amazing and you can flavor them a million ways. If this link doesn’t work, go to, search for “Toasted Coocnut Marshmallows”.

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