Food & Fitness

How to ease into exercise

As much as I really enjoy exercising, from time to time it just doesn't work for me. Between going on vacation, working long hours, having a busy schedule, and falling ill, somewhere along the way the exercise piece can just slip quietly away. The good thing about exercise falling off…

Why it’s important to see your dentist regularly

Having good oral hygiene is one of those things that I take very seriously. Since I brush and floss regularly and take good care of my teeth (and since appointments can be expensive and the last time I went to the dentist, the person cleaning my teeth was very hard…

Workplace Wellness: Part Two

There's so many ways that we can be healthy at the office and ensure workplace wellness. Here are a few more ideas in addition to last week's blog post! 1. Don't be afraid to take a sick day. Last week I had a bad cold that made me miss a…

Workplace Wellness

Considering most of us spend anywhere between 30 and 50 hours each week at the office, workplace wellness is extremely important. Here are a few ways that you can ensure workplace wellness in your office: Always have a glass of water on hand. And drink it! Aim to have at…

National Kale Day

Today is National Kale Day! And that means we are all to celebrate the goodness that is kale. Out of everything you can do with kale, Mr Science and I prefer to make vegan cheezy kale chips in our dehydrator. They are ridiculously delicious! Do you eat kale? What's your…

The quarter-of-a-century mark

{warning: "introspective" (self-involved?) ramblings of a 20-something ahead} Turning 25 this week led me to pondering all kinds of things, but really the main thing going through my head was, why are you all on Facebook this early in the morning? and who is that guy who just wished me…

One of the best things you can do as an introvert

Introverts (like me! And, I think, most bloggers) get their energy by being alone. They / we might enjoy spending time with others and being sociable, but it's more draining for them / us, and they / we need quality alone-time to re-energize. In my line of work, which for…

What learning how to shoot a gun taught me

I've always believed (perhaps from being a police officer's daughter? Or maybe just from watching too many zombie / apocalyptic movies) that knowing how to shoot a gun, and having a basic knowledge of the various parts of a gun, are important life skills. Earlier this month, I finally had…